February 20, 2023

Candidate Statements for the 2023 DA France Riviera Chapter Leadership Elections

The DA France Riviera Election Board is pleased to announce the candidates for DAF Riviera Chapter leadership!

Members of the DAF Riviera Chapter area will receive a ballot by email. Early voting will end on March 14 at 7 pm. Alternatively, you may vote in person at our election during the in-person chapter Political Wine and elections event on March 15, 2023, from 19h00-20h30: go here for more information and to RSVP.  For questions, please contact the Riviera Election Board at [email protected].


Candidates for Chair

Ronny RUBIN, candidate for Chair of the Democrats Abroad Riviera

Having returned to France after 4 years in Brazil where I served as Chair of DA - Brazil, I now seek your support as the next Chair, DAF Riviera. Two years ago, as newly elected Democrats Abroad Brazil Chair, there were no records, documents, funds or past leadership experience to draw from. A full 35% of our database had been expired...for years! The subsequent recognition DABR would receive over 2021-2022 within DA channels is testament to the success realized. The experience and relationships gained during this period should serve well in a future capacity within DAF Riviera. As a bi-national Franco-American newly minted Niçois, I look forward to extending my involvement with the Democratic party which dates back to my university days as a member of The Jimmy Carter Peanut Brigade.

Candidates for Vice Chair

Robert LEVITT, candidate for Vice Chair of Democrats Abroad Riviera

Robert Levitt (FL-22) moved France in 2007 and join DA Riviera in 2008 when his friend Bill Richardson (D-NM) was running for President. Robert was a former senate staffer for Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and currently is the Deputy Chair of the DA Taxation Tax Force. Robert is active on issues and advocacy involving Americans Abroad, particularly taxation and access issues, such as banking, investment and FATCA. In Nice, Robert, a chartered financial analyst (CFA), runs Levitt Capital Management, a French licensed investment advisor catering to US persons - residents in France and Via Nissa, a historical and archival research firm. Educated in the US (American University MBA-Finance), Robert has completed his French license (université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis), and two master degrees in Medieval history (université de Lyon 2). He is currently preparing his doctorate on the Medieval Jews in Nice during the 13th - 15th century at the université de Perpignan.

Candidates for Secretary

Cynthia ADAMS, candidate for Secretary of Democrats Abroad Riviera

I believe there is a need for us (Democrats) living abroad to be informed and inform others of our involvement in National issues. We also have to be an active voice so our concerns are addressed Stateside. I have had the privilege of being a member of the executive committee of Democrats of the Riviera for the past year, and an active member for about four years. Prior I was involved in Democrat activities/elections while in Philadelphia for years. I feel this is the best organization to discuss our likeminded political concerns and a place for interaction, celebration of our national holidays.

All members of the DAF Riviera Chapter may vote in the leadership elections. The elections will be decided by a plurality of votes (the candidate who gets the most votes in the election wins). DAF does not accept proxy votes. Since there is an early online voting process, nominations from the floor during the in-person election event will not be accepted. The ballot includes a space for write-in candidates for all positions.  

New members are welcome to join and vote. To join, click here: www.democratsabroad.org/join. You must be a US citizen 18 years of age or older by Nov. 7, 2023 and living in the Riviera Chapter region. New members may join up until the day before the election.

Questions? Please contact the DA France Riviera Election Board at 

[email protected]

Thank you for voting!

DAF Riviera Chapter Election Board