Name: Sue Alksnis
Country: Canada
Gender / Pronouns: Female / she/her
Candidate for:
DNC Member - Americas
DNC Member - Global
Affirmative Action Attributes:
Person with Disabilities

Candidate statement: 

Starting over 15 years ago with Democrats Abroad, I’ve collaborated with others on countless events; media relations, promotions and social media; voter outreach (often in costume), registration, and assistance; fundraising; resolutions; platform; by-laws; conflict resolution and equity advocacy; nomination and election committees; and more. I work hard to communicate kindly and truthfully, and be an ally for inclusion and diversity.

When I drove to DC for my first DA global meeting seven years ago, I announced an invitation to help form a new Global Progressive Caucus. We launched the Caucus months later.

I took initiative promoting DA at the Women’s Convention (2017) and at four DNC meetings. I have a good understanding of the DNC and I will bring my professional fundraising, public relations, partnerships and community engagement expertise to deliver for DA:

  • Building partnerships with representatives from other states and Party groups
  • Deepening DA’s ties to the growing DNC network advocating for increased transparency, accountability and support of election-winning policies that better meet the needs of everyday Americans
  • Keeping open lines of communication with DA volunteers and members, continuing to share livestreams of DNC sessions
  • Looking for opportunities to attract interest and media attention dressed as “Aunt Sam”

Having served on DA Canada’s board for seven years, I’m currently Membership Secretary, DPCA Voting Representative and covering for our Secretary. I am currently Global Progressive Caucus co-Vice Chair.

I’m honored that respected DA leaders in all three regions have asked me to serve as DNC member.

Candidate website 1, website 2

Video link