DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender: (F)
Hello everyone! My name is Courtney Newman and I am a CO voter. I have lived in Cologne for 2.5 years and am here studying for my master’s degree in Environmental Science. I have been an active member of DA since late 2019. After experiencing “Trump’s America” firsthand, I was motivated to stay involved in politics back home, so I immediately took on the role as Germany’s Youth Caucus Leader.
Then, in Spring 2020, I helped re-establish the Global Youth Caucus, where I currently lead as co-chair. This rewarding role gives me the opportunity to promote the youth voice and perspective throughout DA. Some examples of these efforts include: organizing webinars and events related to youth-specific issues, working with young leaders to develop youth caucus country chapters, and communicating and collaborating with other caucuses and DA leaders. I believe I’ve been a prominent activist for youth issues in DA and have played a critical part in our caucus’ development. As a young leader, I’ve proven myself to be reliable, versatile, and responsible.
Now, I’d like to represent the youth voice and vision as a DPCA voting representative for DA Germany. As young voters, it is not uncommon to feel like our voices go unheard. Now more than ever though, youth involvement and stronger youth representation in the decision-making process are critical to our organization’s longevity and success. If we truly want DA to “look like America,” then it’s important that motivated, hard-working youth activists, like myself, also have a seat at the table. I will work to be a communicative and dependable leader, bring fresh perspectives on issues, find opportunities for meaningful change, and inspire other young DA members to get involved themselves.
I would be honored to serve DA Germany as a DPCA voting representative!
Endorsement of Courtney Newman by Quaide Williams
Endorsement of Courtney Newman by Quyen Nguyen
Endorsement of Courtney Newman by Ann Hesse
DAG Events & Fundraising Coordinator Candidate
Hello everyone! My name is Courtney Newman. I have lived in Cologne for 2.5 years and am here studying for my master’s degree in Environmental Science. I have been an active member of DA since late 2019. After experiencing “Trump’s America” firsthand, I was motivated to stay involved in politics back home, so I immediately took on the role as Germany’s Youth Caucus Leader. As YC Leader, I have planned Germany-wide events, collaborated with different chapters for more local engagement, and assisted the academic outreach team prior to the November 2020 elections.
In Spring 2020, I helped found the Global Youth Caucus, where I currently lead as co-chair. My GYC work has included planning phonebanking trainings and call-a-thons, organizing and hosting webinars and events related to youth-specific issues, and overseeing the caucus’ daily operations. I believe I’ve played an integral part in the development of our caucus structure and organization.
DA has become an important aspect of my life abroad and has allowed me to grow personally and professionally. As Events and Fundraising Coordinator, I’d like to work closely with chapter chairs and caucus leaders to provide better event-planning support. More local support means more meaningful, engaging opportunities for our members. I’d also like to open more channels of communication with chapters and leaders to gather and share their best practices. Moreover, with my lively youth spirit, I hope to bring new ideas that will elevate our fundraising potential and help us “get out the vote” as we approach the midterms and beyond.
As a DA leader, I’ve proven myself to be reliable, dependable, and accessible. My knack and experience with planning, paired with my passion for Democrats Abroad, make me an exceptional candidate for this position. I would be honored to serve DAG as the Events and Fundraising Coordinator!
Endorsement of Courtney Newman by Emily Lines
Endorsement of Courtney Newman by Daniela Vancic
Endorsement of Courtney Newman by Quaide Williams