DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender (M)
I am running to be reelected as a DPCA Voting Representative for Germany for the following reasons: 1. To represent DAG’s membership to the international level of Democrats Abroad. That means keeping in contact with the 14 DAG Chapter Chairs and the DAG Executive Committee, so that I can pass on relevant information to large portions of our membership and bring the wishes of the membership to the international level. 2. Work with the other 12 DPCA Voting Representatives on sharing good practices from DAG with other country committees, in order to increase the total amount of abroad voters around the world. 3. Strive to network with progressive DPCA Voting Representatives from other Democrats Abroad countries to ensure that our leadership and platform is progressive, forward-looking, and impactful. After four years as the Berlin Chair of Democrats Abroad, I am looking forward to staying involved with the organization and getting out the vote! I believe that my experience as Chair of Democrats Abroad Berlin (2017-2021), as an Democrats Abroad Germany Executive Committee Member (2017-2021), and a Bernie Sanders Delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention gives me all of the necessary skills and knowledge of our organization to represent our blossoming Democrats Abroad Germany community and to work with various networks to strengthen our organization as a whole! Thank you for your consideration.