Nominations have been received for the Democrats Abroad Norway AGM on March 30 at 19:00 CET
You already RSVP'd here though, so you knew that!
Please read the candidate statements below, to prepare for the elections! We look forward to seeing you on March 30!

Despite my limited knowledge and experience in politics, I believe my passion, eagerness and former work experience can be a valuable contribution to DAN.
I have had various management positions, working internationally in areas of business development, operations management, and HR. I have extensive experience with the overall responsibility to recruit and integrate, a large number of people from different cultures, age groups, and work backgrounds. I have conducted large job fairs, recruitment campaigns, and process management.
I hold several international coaching certifications and have over 30 years of experience as a coach, from sports, business, and life coaching. My coaching methods are based on my experience from extracting the most practical and effective forms of strategic action and communication from a variety of coaching disciplines.
I am very invested in championing the rights of domestic abuse victims. After 20 years of being a victim of psychological and emotional abuse, I now write and publicly share my own personal stories. I aim to spread knowledge to help victims of mental and emotional abuse, understand their trauma, rebuild self-belief and self-esteem.
All though there are laws against domestic abuse and stalking, most reported cases of psychological abuse are dismissed. Globally, the most common form of violence comes from an intimate partner. The statistics are shocking. And while these numbers are widely known, the facts persist. The stories repeat themselves, affecting men and women around the world regardless of race, nationality, social status, or income level.
Intimate partner violence alone affects more than 12 million people in the US every year. Almost half of all women and men in the US have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime (48.4% and 48.8%, respectively)
An important bill to fight for the rights of domestic abuse victims is H.R.1494 - Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abusers Act

I’m John Alan Reese, and I hope to serve as Counsel for Democrats Abroad Norway. I am born and raised in small-town Ohio. I served in active duty as a United States Marine from 1990-1994, and I was a police detective and narcotics officer for seven years. In Norway, I have worked as a coach, educator, immigration officer, consultant for Child and Family Services (Barnevernet), radio host, podcaster, and entrepreneur/business owner.
Since moving to Norway in 2002, I felt more and more “helpless” when it comes to politics and social issues back home. During the period between 2016-2020, I became certain of the need to be actively involved in American politics. Since then, I’ve gotten involved by networking and using my platform as a podcaster and radio program host and producer here in Norway. Through that networking and through my broadcasting platform, I have come into contact with other members of Democrats Abroad Norway, and I look forward to working with these wonderful people in any possible capacity.
As Counsel, I will support the Chair and Executive Committee as well as be an enthusiastic representative for each and every member of Democrats Abroad Norway. I will actively do my part to contribute to expanding the reach of our organization in Norway and help to spread the word about what Democrats Abroad Norway stands for. I am curious by nature and an advocate for dialogue, and it is my hope that DA Norway and its members will allow me to draw upon my skills and experiences and put them to use within the organization here in Norway.
I humbly ask for your vote. I am willing to do the work!
John Alan Reese
Matthew Davidson -- Member-At-Large
My name is Matthew Davidson and I am running for the At-Large position in DAN for the upcoming term.
My earliest political memory is from just before the 2000 presidential election. The Young Democrats group at my school held an open meeting where they discussed issues and tried to fix problems. My politics were shaped by the Bush presidency, the Iraq war, Obama’s presidential campaign, and Republican opposition. I wanted to make things better but never felt like what I did had any impact.
While working with people with disabilities during my PhD in bioengineering, I started to see how the right policies could help people. I also saw how both a lack of interest in science and a failure to listen to people could lead to harmful policies. In both engineering and policy, this combination can result in exciting new designs that don’t solve basic needs.
When I graduated, I started working on science policy and communication. I trained researchers to present their work to state policy makers in Colorado and worked as a science policy advocate in Washington DC.
It’s a fascinating challenge to find ways to build policy based on common goals. Since coming to Norway, I focused on communication but kept connected to US policies. Living here regularly shows me policy ideas I hope to bring back to the US.
There is so much potential to build better policies through an engineering approach, but it is also necessary to connect with people. I am excited to use my experience in both to help DAN achieve our goals of mobilizing members and building on the success of the past few years and I would like to bring science and healthcare concerns to the forefront of our activities.