February 23, 2023

Call for the 2023 Executive Committee Election

In addition to handling DAN business (resolutions, by-laws), at this meeting we will elect new DAN Executive Committee (ExCom) officers: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Counsel, two (2) Members-at-Large, and two Voting Representatives for the Global Democrats Abroad (officially: Democratic Party Committee Abroad or DPCA) as granted under the DPCA Charter. Voting will occur online only -- both prior to and during the AGM.

Any member of DAN is welcome to run for a position on the ExCom. We value diversity and encourage people from all backgrounds, ethnicities, ages, and genders to run. You do not have to live in the Oslo area to be on the board; much of the ExCom’s work is done virtually. We need a strong team to help to mobilize DAN members from all over Norway going into 2024.

Written nominations must be received at this email address ([email protected]) by 6pm on March 7th.


  • March 7th:  Nominations must be received by the Chair of the NEC by 6pm.
  • March 10-20: Early voting will be open online. DAN members will receive an email with a link to the ballot. Early voting closes on March 20 at 12pm. During this time, there will be at least one “Meet the Candidates” event.
  • March 21, 7-8:30pm: Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Election on Zoom and in-person. DAN members who have not yet voted will be able to vote online during the meeting. Members will need to attend the meeting to receive the link to the ballot.

For formal descriptions of the opportunities and the responsibilities for each position go to DAN's Bylaws at https://wiki.democratsabroad.org/display/ccBylaws/EMEA+Region and scroll to "DA-Norway-Bylaws-Rev-2021." See "Article Three: Officers." Below is an informal explanation of the responsibilities; in cases where there appears to be conflict between the DAN Bylaws and the below descriptions, the bylaws always take precedence.

The NEC looks forward to receiving your nominations!


What are the duties of the CHAIR of Democrats Abroad Norway?   

  • The Chair is the chief executive officer of DAN.  
  • The Chair calls and presides over all meetings of members and of the Executive Committee, establishes the agenda of such meetings, and has the responsibility for carrying out all programs, policies, and activities approved by the organization. 
  • The Chair sits ex-officio on all committees and subcommittees of the organization, including Standing Committees, with full voting privileges. 
  • The Chair is responsible for ensuring DAN is in compliance with the minimum requirements to be recognized as a Country Committee by the DPCA. The Chair is also responsible for ensuring DAN is in compliance with host-country laws and regulations. 
  • The Chair is a DPCA voting member; this means that the Chair can vote during regional and general body meetings of the DPCA.


What are the duties of the VICE-CHAIR of Democrats Abroad Norway?  

  • The Vice-Chair serves in a supporting role to the Chair. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair calls and presides over meetings of members of the Executive Committee.
  • The Vice-Chair shall have such other duties as the Chair shall define. For example, the Vice-Chair may be asked by the Chair to organize and/or help out with DAN activities such as get out the vote efforts, phone-banking, the Global Primary, coordinating volunteers, etc.
  • The Vice-Chair position is subject to the gender balance requirement of the Democratic Party and DPCA. As such, the Vice-Chair cannot be of the same gender as the Chair.
  • The Vice-Chair is also a DPCA voting member.


What are the duties of the SECRETARY of Democrats Abroad Norway?  

  • Maintaining a current list of DAN members (containing the name, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers and U.S. voting district/state and such other information as the DPCA may from time to time require)
  • Maintaining minutes of all meetings, and all files and administrative records of DAN.
  • Taking and maintaining the minutes of all DAN meetings, general and executive committee. Providing copies of these minutes for inspection by members who request copies.


What are the duties of the TREASURER of Democrats Abroad Norway?

  • Managing the finances of DAN, ensuring that funds are properly raised and expended, keeping records of all receipts and disbursements
  • Working with DPCA to maintain a bank account for the organization, and deposit and disburse DAN funds. Expenses of up to 500 NOK may be approved by the Treasurer or the Chair. Expenses above 500 NOK must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. 
  • Furnishing annual financial reports to DAN, and ensure that any necessary reports to DPCA, the DNC, the governmental authorities of the United States of America, or the Norwegian tax authorities, are filed as may be required by law (including without limitation the laws and regulations of the United States, federal and state/district/territorial applicable to political parties and contributions to them). All such records shall be open for inspection by DAN members.
  • Consult with the DPCA Treasurer from time to time on matters concerning the maintenance of financial records and financial reporting (notably to the United States Federal Election Commission).


What are the duties of the COUNSEL of Democrats Abroad Norway?

  • The Counsel is available for consultation by the Executive Committee or its Officers regarding legal and procedural questions related to DAN and its activities.
  • The Counsel consults with the DPCA Counsel from time to time on emergent matters, including questions on voting issues and financial recordkeeping. 


What are the duties of an EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER-AT-LARGE of Democrats Abroad Norway?

  • The two (2) Members-At-Large participate in the work of the Executive Committee to support DAN by engaging in such projects and committees as needed for its effective functioning.
  • Members-At-Large can take on varying levels of responsibility, from supporting specific efforts, to leading initiatives, to serving on DPCA committees.


What are the duties of a DPCA VOTING REPRESENTATIVE of Democrats Abroad Norway?

  • Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) Voting Representatives are granted to DAN under the DPCA Charter and are elected to represent DAN at meetings of the DPCA.
  • The number of DPCA Voting Representatives is set by the DPCA. For 2023-2024, DAN will have XXX voting representatives.
  • In the event that DAN is awarded multiple DPCA Voting Representatives, this position is subject to the gender balance requirement of the Democratic Party and DPCA. As such, more than half of the elected DPCA Voting Representatives cannot be of the same gender.


ARE YOU INTERESTED in running for an executive committee position? If so, please contact the Nominations and Election Committee at [email protected].