Your blood flows in our veins. As we are passing through
And you are coming through.
After over 400 years “The Post-African Enslavement and the
African Diaspora Era” in America and the world. Many cultures
reap the creative fruits of the African forefathers and present day
Africans without profound gratitude.
We are the inheritors of the intelligentsia of the Ancient Benin
Africans and all the Ancient African Cultures. We have shared
These intelligent gifts with the world.
Our music-science-mathematics-eloquent logos-leadership
-statesmanship-literature-sculptures and sports are a testament of our
Determination to exploit these gifts to their fullest.
No matter the breath or frequency of obstacles placed before us.
For Africans, it is either- over, under, or through them towards
Fulfilling the Footprints left by our Ancient African Ancestral Cultures.
Though at times clouds may cast a shadow on our endeavors
We Africans are still here- plowing the rows towards our
destiny to build our humanity and share with the world.
(C)2021 “Your Blood” by Paul S Hickman -All Rights Reserved
Paul S. Hickman from Greece - Read Paul's Bio