Saturday, March 11
Paris, France
DAF Paris Chapter AGM / Elections
UPDATED MARCH 8, 2023: Due to a day of strikes and demonstrations called for on March 11, the DA Paris AGM will take place exclusively online via Zoom, and not at the American University of Paris. This page has been updated accordingly.
Join us for the DAF Paris Chapter 2023 Annual General Meeting and Elections of its leadership!
The Paris Chapter AGM will take place on Saturday, March 11, from 2 - 5 PM, online via Zoom.
The Paris Chapter AGM is a great opportunity to come together and to meet other Democrats living in Paris. We will be hearing about the year in review, meeting the candidates for Paris leadership, and voting in the Paris leadership elections.
All Democrats Abroad members in the Paris chapter are invited to run for leadership. Interested in running? Read our call for candidates to see the positions and how to submit your nomination. The deadline for sending in your candidacy was February 20. The candidates were announced on February 24 by email and on the website.
In advance of the elections, the Paris Chapter Election Board is hosting two “Meet and Greet” sessions, to give the Paris Chapter members a chance to meet the candidates and to hear them speak about their goals and vision for the Paris Chapter over the next two years. Please join us for one of the following events:
- Session 1: Monday, March 6, 7:00 - 8:30 pm, online via Zoom: RSVP here.
- Session 2: Thursday, March 9, 6:30 - 9:30 pm, in person at the café Coq à l’Ane, 28 Rue Croix des Petits Champs, 75001 Paris: RSVP here.
Early voting using an electronic ballot will be possible for 10 days before the AGM: we will send the ballot to members by email on Wednesday, March 1 in the evening, and the deadline for early voting is Friday, March 10 at 9:00 PM. During the AGM event on March 11, members attending via Zoom will be able to vote electronically: we will reopen the electronic ballot for a period of 15 minutes after hearing the candidates’ speeches.
The email containing the ballot includes your personal DA member ID number, which is necessary to use when you vote.
All members of the DAF Paris Chapter may vote in the leadership elections. The elections will be decided by a plurality of votes (the candidate who gets the most votes in the election wins). A minimum 15% threshold will be applied: the winning candidate must have received at least 15% of the votes. DAF does not accept proxy votes. Since there is an early online voting process, nominations from the floor during the in-person election event will not be accepted. The ballot includes a space for write-in candidates for all positions.
If you are not yet a member of DAF Paris Chapter and would like to vote, you may join up until March 10 at 8:00 PM. All American citizens who are over 18 years of age – or who will be 18 by the next US general election – and who are living in France, may join DAF. To join DAF, go here: If you join after March 1, please write to the DAF Paris Election Board at [email protected] to request a ballot.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 02:00 PM Paris Time
Election Board Paris
[email protected]