Welcome to the DA Germany Caucus page. We have created this space to share news, events, and ideas within the caucus communities of our members in Germany.
Whether you're a long-time DAG member or you're new to the club there is a place in one of our caucuses for you!
If you're interested in getting to know more about each caucus feel free to explore their blogs here. If you have any remaining questions please reach out to any of the caucuses by email
Asian American & Pacific Islander Caucus
November 14, 2022
Welcome to the DA Germany Asian American and Pacific Islander Caucus blog. We have created this space to share news, events, and ideas within the community of our members in Germany.
DA AAPI Caucus welcomes new members to join us!
In the meantime, we invite you to join our Caucus! Please click here to join us!
If you're interested in getting in contact with the AAPI Caucus
please email Saehee and WyMing at [email protected].
Democrats Abroad AAPI Retreat 2022 in Berlin Update
November 14, 2022
Thanks to everyone who came out to support the AAPI Caucus of DA Germany this past weekend. It was our very first in-person event after our caucus was established and we were excited to spend time with one another. The AAPI Caucus is small, but we hope to become bigger and stronger in the next few years.
During the retreat, we focused on what types of programs we would like to plan, how do we find other AAPI members, and collaborate with DA chapters, specifically within Europe and at the global level. Another goal is to focus on AAPI outreach and get out the vote for 2024. The AAPI vote is critical, and our voices are powerful!
We also got to know one another and discussed the important issues that we face in our communities in the US and Germany. The retreat brought us closer, and we also had fun exploring different Asian restaurants around Berlin! We look forward to our next event and meeting everyone soon!
Saehee and Wy Ming
Democrats Abroad Germany AAPI Caucus
Black Caucus
May 11, 2024
If you believe in human rights, if you are fired up but do not know where to go, and if you want to see democracy in action, please join the Black Caucus, and let’s make it happen! There is no contribution too small and no wall too big. Together, we do not just make a difference. We are the difference. Join [email protected]
“Walls turned sideways are bridges.” (Angela Davis)
The German Black Caucus strongly upholds that Black Issues are Human Rights Issues.
- The German Black Caucus advocates for legislators, legislation, policies, and programs that promote the establishment and protection of Human Rights.
- The German Black Caucus aspires to unite and support people of color living in Germany while building coalitions and relationships with other Democrats Abroad Germany caucuses, finding the common denominator that, at its root, addresses and benefits all.
- The German Black Caucus is dedicated to a Democrats Abroad organization and society built on human dignity, compassion, and respect.
- The German Black Caucus is open to all Democrats Abroad Germany members who believe in, uphold, and are willing to protect Human Rights.
- The German Black Caucus aligns with the vision and mission of the United States Congressional Black Caucus.
- The German Black Caucus is committed to getting out the Black vote and creating concrete, visible change to further Human Rights.
The DAG Black Caucus is Back!
May 09, 2024
The Democrats Abroad Black Caucus Germany (BCG) has been reinvigorated! Please watch this space for news and join us today!
For more information, please email the BCG leaders at [email protected]
Climate Caucus
Welcome to the Democrats Abroad Germany Climate Caucus!
March 14, 2022
This is a space for everyone who realizes that the changing climate will be the narrative of our lifetimes (and that of our children's and grandchildren's as well). Here you will find events, ideas, and information focused on what we can do to create the changes needed for humanity to confront and conquer this existential challenge.
We are a new group but our mission is clear and over the coming months our members will be curating this space so that we can all learn about some of the biggest challenges of our time.
We welcome you to come back regularly, join the conversation, and share feedback! You're invited and encouraged to reach out to us to provide content and ideas for this blog in order to keep it as interactive as possible. Contact the DA Germany Climate Caucus at: [email protected].
Earth Hour 2022
March 14, 2022
All Are Welcome to join our caucus as we prepare to TUNE-IN and TURN off for Earth Hour 2022!
What is Earth Hour?
Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF. The event takes place annually to encourage people around the world to turn off all non-essential lights and electrics for an hour. The event will happen between 20:30 to 21:30 on the 26th of March 2022.
The goal is to help raise awareness around the globe of our energy use, consumption, impact, and long-lasting effects on the environment. Earth Hour is a movement to help our future and encourage urgent change around the world & our goal is to get as many people to participate during that hour and take some time just before to remind ourselves how LITTLE things can make a BIG difference and have some fun!
Our Plan
You are welcome to join us the hour before as we share with our attendees a bit about the history of Earth Hour, get to know one another a bit better & have some fun with a Photo/Memory Game, and let our imaginations run wild with a bit of brainstorming for our upcoming themes for Earth Day 2022.
Can’t join us but want to join in? Visit https://www.earthhour.org/ to find out how you & your family can take part!
Hispanic Caucus
July 20, 2021
Welcome to the DA Germany Hispanic Caucus blog. We have created this space to share news, events, and ideas within the community of our members in Germany.
The Hispanic Caucus blog is currently still under construction
we apologize for the wait.
In the meantime, We invite you to join our Caucus! Please click here to join us!
If you're interested in getting in contact with the Hispanic Caucus
please email the DAG Caucus Coordinator [email protected].
LGBTQ+ Caucus
July 20, 2021
Welcome to the DA Germany LGBTQ+ Caucus blog. We have created this space to share news, events, and ideas within the community of our members in Germany.
The LGBTQ+ Caucus blog is currently still under construction
we apologize for the wait.
In the meantime, we invite you to join our Caucus! Please click here to join us!
if you're interested in getting in contact with the LGBTQ+ Caucus
please email the DAG Caucus Coordinator [email protected].
Progressive Caucus
Democrats Abroad Germany Progressive Caucus - ProDAG
July 18, 2021
The Germany Progressive Caucus (ProDAG) is building a space for education and action on political issues from a progressive perspective, focusing on shared values of transparency, accountability, and equality while also recognizing the American people’s diversity of experience.
Under the motto “Educate, Agitate, Organize,” ProDAG always translates education into action. We advocate for a greater understanding of important concepts such as systemic racism, economic and labor equity, climate action, environmental justice, the military-industrial complex, healthcare access and reform, the corrupting influence of unrestrained money in politics, and more. We take what we learn together with other caucuses and fight for greater equity within Democrats Abroad, the Democratic Party, the U.S., and across the globe.
Are you interested in getting to know the Progressive Caucus? Contact us at [email protected]. We’d love to get to know you!
Womens Caucus
Shocked, sad, scared, determined..
April 19, 2022
Hit the Ground Running by Malaika Kusumi
Shocked, sad, scared, determined: just a few of the one-word responses to the Academy Award documentary nominee Dorothy Fadiman’s and Emmy/ Peabody documentary winner Susan Koch’s documentary films When Abortion was Illegal: Untold Stories and Roe at Risk, shown at the DAG Women’s Caucus meeting held on March 27.
The intimate discussion rounds between participants underlined and amplified horrifying realities: eradication of abortion rights is just the tip of the iceberg setting a dangerous precedent to the loss of other human rights, it is a human issue not a female issue. The common consensus reached: we have to act; we have to do something, and every little contribution has a tremendous impact.
To this end the women’s caucus is asking for everyone’s support. Make a short 1–2-minute video about why these rights must be protected, your views on the topic or your experiences. You do not have to be a woman to participate as this affects us all. There are many tiny actions you can take.
March is over but the fight has just begun. Check out the global women caucus YouTube contribution, give it a like and share it on your media platforms. You can sign up for June 18 women’s hybrid event (live in Paris) bring some friends …again non-gender based! Everyone is welcome and everyone is needed.
Over 29 states now restrict or outlaw abortions. Put a stop to the madness. Defend our democracy. Stop accepting things that you think you can’t change and start changing things that you cannot accept.
Hit the Ground Running : Stepping up to the Plate
March 04, 2022
Hit the Ground Running : Malaika Kusumi
Stepping up to the Plate: Currently the DAG Women’s Caucus (DAGWC) is enthusiastically underway with the Women’s Global Caucus in preparation for the National Women's History Alliance's theme of Women's History Month 2022: Providing Healing, Promoting Hope.
The event will be on Sunday, March 27th at 5 p.m. and will focus on the topic of reproductive rights: where we were, where we are, where we want to be and what we can do! Reproductive rights are hanging in the balance, losing those is only the tip of the iceberg.
The DAG Women’s Caucus will initiate Project 3-I Outreach:Inform, Inspire, Involve as a pre-June event promotional activity. In honor of Women’s month a virtual presentation of Forgotten Women, Women We Should Know and Women We Can’t Forget will be presented to the Middle Hessen Precinct on March 14.
The DAGWC plans to visit as many German chapters as possible with the high hopes of engaging women and their talents for the June Anniversary celebration. Please reach out to [email protected] to set a date for our visit to your chapter. And don’t forget to RSVP for the March 27th event!
We are good, but together we are better.
Veterans and Military Families Caucus
VMF CAUCUS January 2025 News
January 24, 2025
Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su and President Joe Biden—DoL Photo
Department of Labor welcomes President Biden as newest Hall of Honor inductee
“In more than 50 years of public service, President Biden has remained devoted to improving the lives of America’s workers, retirees and their families by championing pro-union policies…Under his leadership, more than 16 million jobs have been created in America, threatened pensions have been secured for more than 1.2 million workers and retirees and the number of workers seeking to join a union has doubled.”
A presidency for all Americans, a country for all Americans, a future for all Americans.
Greetings. As we start the New Year, we mourn the loss of our 39th President Jimmy Carter who, among his many accomplishments, championed fair elections around the world. We must continue to spread the word that U.S. citizens abroad have the right to vote. Continue to organize activities to register voters reminding everyone that U.S. citizens overseas must request their absentee ballots every year starting January 1. Be sure you are ready to vote in all 2025 elections. The first one is in Virginia on January 7.
Alas, our quest to add ERA to the Constitution as the 28th Amendment has stalled. Carolyn Maloney shared that the joint resolutions before Congress that recognized the Equal Rights Amendment as ratified and eliminated the arbitrary timeline were not adopted this session BUT the end of this session just means we must continue to take action. The 214 House Democrats in the 118th Congress who signed the ERA discharge petition only needed 4 Republicans to bring this to the floor for a vote but this was not to be. On Dec. 17, the National Archives issued a statement on the Equal Rights Amendment Ratification Process that updates an earlier statement and points out: “The OLC concluded that extending or removing the deadline requires new action by Congress or the courts.” Carolyn Maloney stated that “After careful study and consultation with leading constitutional experts, I am certain that Congress must pass joint resolutions to recognize the ERA and remove the arbitrary time limit. The evidence is unyielding: Biden has no role in this amending process…Over the next two years, we must organize and then elect enough representatives and senators to Congress to ensure the ERA is recognized, published and shielded from judicial challenge.”
Join the effort to make this happen. Contact [email protected]. Continue to take action and request that your Members of Congress support ERA.
President Joe Biden on the Equal Rights Amendment | The White House
Happy to report that the Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal Act has been signed into law as Section 5703 of H.R.5009, the "Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025," by President Joe Biden on December 23, 2024. Very special thanks to Representative Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri and Senator John Tester of Montana for their perseverance! Although they weren't successful in the 116th and the 117th Congresses, they were in the 118th!
You can still view our spellbinding Ghost Army webinar at DAG Veterans and Military Families Caucus Speaks with Rick Beyer, The Ghost Army
Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and Democratic 2025!
Robert Scott and Terese Sarno
DAG VMF Caucus Co-Chairs DA Germany
“A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful, and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.” –Jimmy Carter, 39th U.S. President
Proclamation Announcing the Death of James Earl Carter, Jr.
DA Germany Veterans and Military Families Year in Review 2024
ERA-Affirm The Equal Rights Amendment
Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal Act of 2023 H.R.1572 (became law as Section 5703 of H.R.5009)
Publication of Monthly Newsletter
January 15 – International Voter Registration Day
February 11– Super Bowl GOTV-FVAP broadcasted PSAs on AFN-TV during the Super Bowl to encourage people to register to vote. Voter Registration at Super Bowl parties encouraged!
March 5-12 – 2024 Global Presidential Primary in Germany
April 18 – 3rd Annual Germany Retiree Survivor Workshop in-person event at the LRMC (Landstuhl).
May 25 – Memorial Day Luxembourg American Cemetery
June 1 – KMC Pride Picnic/Summerfest (Kaiserslautern/Vogelweh) Register to Vote!
June 6 – D-Day 80th Anniversary at Omaha Beach in Normandy
June 8 – Expat Fair Berlin – Get Out The Vote
June 16 – D-Day squadron at the Wiesbaden Army Airfield to commemorate the Berlin Airlift
June 16 – Navy Virtual Retiree Appreciation Day Facebook
June 28-July 4 – Armed Forces Voters Week/Overseas Citizens/Voters Week
August 1-8 – Military Spouse Voters Week
August 31 – Global Voter Registration Day
August 31– September 21 – DA REGISTER TOGETHER Campaign
September 5 – Virtual Voter Outreach with the Frankfurt Consulate
September 5-7 – Kaiserslautern SWINGING LAUTERN Get Out The Vote
September 16 – National Voter Registration Day
October 1-8 – Absentee Voters Week
November 11 – Ring The Bells of Peace on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour
November 11 – AFJROTC Veterans Awareness March Kaiserslautern HS
November 11 – Ramstein HS AF JROTC Color Guard at St. Mihiel American Cemetery, France
November 12 – DAG Veterans and Military Families Caucus Speaks with Rick Beyer, The Ghost Army
December – Get Out The Vote– early voting in Virginia Special Elections
Jimmy Carter, former president and peace activist, dies at 100 – December 29, 2024.
VA expands access to GI Bill benefits for Veterans ...
Congress approves changes to Social Security for some public sector workers
WEP/GPO affects nearly 3 million Americans including police officers and public-school teachers.
What you need to know about domestic and international travel in 2025
Army emergency fund to expand travel grants for soldiers next year
2025 VA Disability Pay Rates & Charts | 2.5% COLA Confirmed
Women Veterans Research | U.S. Department of Labor
Data on Women Veterans in the Labor Force
Fact Sheet: Paid Leave For Military Families By State
New Developments in Occupational Licensing Portability for Military Spouses
Nancy Pelosi has hip replacement surgery at Landstuhl U.S. military hospital
December 14, 2024, Landstuhl, Germany
Nancy Pelosi back home after hip surgery following high-heel fall in Europe
First Lady Jill Biden at a Joining Forces Event with Military Families at NAS Sigonella
December 4, 2024, Sigonella, Italy
“...The Bidens are a military family…my father was a Navy Signalman in World War II. And our son, Major Beau Biden, served for a year in Iraq as part of the Delaware Army National Guard. So, 15 years ago, when I took my first overseas trip as Second Lady, I wanted to visit the people who make our freedom possible.I traveled to meet military families stationed at Bamberg and Schweinfurt over 4th of July weekend. In the years since, through Joining Forces—my White House initiative to support military and veteran families, caregivers, and survivors—I’ve sat with hundreds more servicemembers and their families—to keep listening.Today, I’m humbled to be with military families here at Sigonella…But I know this life isn’t always easy: deployments that seem too long and phone calls that end too soon, PCSing every few years—leaving behind careers, schools, and communities.That’s why Joe’s Administration is making sure we do everything we can to support military families. Lowering the cost of child care and bringing universal pre-k to bases—including this one! Making sure military kids with disabilities can transfer their individualized education programs to their new school. Signing an historic Executive Order to help military spouses keep their careers, and collaborating with the Italian government to let spouses work remotely here—because we have to do everything we can to make sure spouses have employment opportunities no matter where they’re stationed. You are the brave and the bold. You are the spouses who hug twice as hard and cheer twice as loud at football games to fill that empty space beside you, so that other families can celebrate their milestones together.The military kids who don’t have a hometown, so that other kids can stay in theirs.You’re the 1% who serves, so the 99% can know freedom.You stand on the front lines, protecting Americans around the world and ensuring those at home can feel the peace and light of the holidays year after year.And we have a duty to make sure you can build good lives.This is my last overseas trip as First Lady. Just like all those years ago, I knew I wanted to visit military families—to let you know how much all of you mean to me and to your Commander-in- Chief. It’s been the honor of this military mom and grandmom’s life to serve as your First Lady—and work to fulfill our sacred obligation to you. With all my heart, thank you for your service. May God bless you and your families.”
Fact-Checking Trump on ‘Meet the Press’: Tariffs, Immigration and More
The president-elect repeated several false and inaccurate claims on a range of topics that were staples of his 2024 campaign. December 4, 2024
House Democrat: ‘Unelected oligarch’ Musk ‘governing by tweet’
What’s different about billionaire donor Elon Musk’s relationship with Trump
Will Elon Musk Fund His Tax Cut With Our Social Security and Medicare?
National Stalking Awareness Month
National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
WSJ Op-ed 2016: U.S. Must Stand for Human Rights by Jimmy Carter
January 1 – Request your absentee ballots for 2025. All overseas U.S. citizens must do this each calendar year. Why should you use VFA instead of your home voting office? Using VoteFromAbroad informs your Local Election Officer (LEO) that you are a US resident living abroad. When you use VoteFromAbroad, you can sign your Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) electronically by capturing a photo of your signature. Some states do not allow this. If your state allows electronic signature, your ballot will be automatically sent to your LEO. VoteFromAbroad protects you under the Uniformed And Overseas Citizen Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). You have certain rights that regular absentee voters do not have. Your LEO will email your ballot to you no later than 45 calendar days before election day. When you return your ballot, most LEOs will notify you of its receipt by email. Many states allow you to return your ballot electronically. If you find there is no record of receipt of your ballot, you can then file a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB). If your original ballot arrives, the FWAB will not counted. You won’t vote twice. VoteFromAbroad has many volunteers to answer questions and provide any help needed. Request your ballot today.
January 7 – Virginia State Special elections - early voting through January 4th
January 8 – Register for Military Spouse Virtual Hiring Fair
January 8 – 90th anniversary of the birth of Elvis Presley, U.S. Army Veteran
January 9 – National Day of Mourning for former President Jimmy Carter
January 11 – National Human Trafficking Awareness Day
January 15 – International Voter Registration Day
To ensure that U.S. citizens residing overseas can easily participate in the electoral process throughout the year, the online platform VoteFromAbroad.org provides comprehensive information and assistance for seamless voter registration. The initiative aims to empower citizens worldwide to have their voices heard in the U.S. elections.
January 15, 1870 - The first appearance of Democratic Party donkey to symbolize the Democratic Party in America appeared in a cartoon in Harper's Weekly.
January 20 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day,Martin Luther King, Jr., National Day of Service
January 22, 1973 - Abortion became legal in the U.S. when the Supreme Court announced its decision in the case of Roe vs. Wade striking down local state laws restricting abortions in the first six months of pregnancy.
June 28, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade decision (6-3 vote).
January 27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Upcoming DA Activities
What would you like to organize this year? Contact us at [email protected]
Ready to join our caucus? Be part of the conversation and make your voice heard!
Please consider making a donation today! Your monetary donations to Democrats Abroad Germany stay right here and are used exclusively to organiz and get out the vote among Americans in Germany. Request your absentee ballot for 2025. All overseas U.S. citizens must do this each calendar year.
DA Germany VMF CAUCUS December 2024 News
December 05, 2024
Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
–H.L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26, 1920
“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged
by the United States or by any state on account of sex.”
Greetings. As we continue to process the current state of affairs, there is one thing we can still do that will benefit Veterans and Military Families and all U.S. citizens during Universal Human Rights Month. We can contact the President and the Vice President and after thanking them for all their work, we can request that they make sure the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is published. Email them on the form you find at this link or send a letter to the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Washington, DC 20500 or even call Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414. Request that they make sure ERA is published as the 28th Amendment to the Constitution before they leave the White House. This would be a fantastic legacy that would benefit all Americans. We can also contact our Members of Congress.
ERA has met all the requirements to become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution but it still has not been published because the Archivist refuses based on a memo from the previous Presidential Administration. RSVP here for free viewing December 7th of the ERA movie RATIFIED at 10AM EST/ 4PM CET free for Democrats Abroad.
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Overview
We the People support ERA! Spread the word on social media!
We the People have faith that the 28th Amendment guaranteeing Equal Rights for all U.S. citizens will be published by the Biden-Harris Administration! What a send off that would be! Time is running out to get this done in 2024 so please take action today!
In Unity!
Robert Scott and Terese Sarno
DAG VMF Caucus Co-Chairs DA Germany
“In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.” –H.L. Mencken
Send us your suggestions: [email protected]
Ready to join our caucus? Be part of the conversation and make your voice heard!
The fascinating Ghost Army program presented by Rick Beyer, the renowned historian, published author and filmmaker, was an illuminating history of how a special contingent of artists helped us win WW II. We even learned that one member of the Ghost Army, Helmet Isenberg, is buried in Wiesbaden. In the future when we are looking for a place closer to home to commemorate our Veterans, we can plan an event in Wiesbaden! We have already laid a wreath at the grave of George Peddle, who is buried in Luxembourg as is General Patton.
Diane Haven shared: “While watching my granddaughter slide down a rubbery/plastic water slide that we blew up with air I was thinking how wonderful modern times were! Little did I know that this had been done before—during WWII! Watching Rick Beyer talk about his documentary, “The Ghost Army” was fascinating. That Bradley’s 3rd Army used inflatable tanks, planes and artillery to fool the Germans was brilliant. They also used artists and actors to create fake sets. And General Patton thoroughly enjoyed these types of war games! This was a wonderful zoom presentation and I hope more people will see it!”
Many thanks to Nicole Gross for her technical expertise!
Check out: DAG Veterans and Military Families Caucus Speaks with Rick Beyer, The Ghost Army on DA Germany YouTube as well as The Ghost Army and the PBS documentary
H.R.1572 - To award a Congressional Gold Medal to the female telephone operators of the Army Signal Corps, known as the "Hello Girls" When their nation called in 1917, the Hello Girls answered! Tell Congress to answer their call in 2024!
The Doughboy Foundation needs our help! The Hello Girls waited almost 60 years for America to recognize their service as America's First Women Soldiers in WWI.
H.R. 1572, with 300 Cosponsors has the 290 cosponsors needed to get a vote in the House of Representatives. There is more that needs to happen before this bill joins its companion that has already passed the Senate and becomes law. There will be a lot going on during this "lame duck" session taking place after the November election and before the beginning of the new Congress. We can help in two ways. Check if your U.S. Representative has already become a cosponsor of H.R. 1572, the Hello Girls Congressional Gold Medal Bill. If they are not, request that they do so now.
Use the online toolkit to check whether your Representative has answered the call. The toolkit has links to all Congressional Offices in all states; you can look up their phone number and call, or send them an email message. Call the Washington, D.C. offices of the Speaker of the House (202-225-4000), and the House Majority Leader (202-225-0197), or email them to bring H.R. 1572 to a vote immediately.
2024 Theme: Our Rights, Our Future, Right Now
UN Women Strategic Plan 2022-2025
Through December 10th – 16 Days To End Violence Against Women
December 1 – World AIDS Day
December 1 – Civil Air Patrol (USAF Auxiliary) Birthday.
December 2 – International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
December 3 – #GivingTuesday Tuesday after Thanksgiving
December 4 – VA Education Benefits GI Bill Education 101 at 1:00 p.m. ET Virtual
Register at Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams
December 7 – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
December 7 – ERA movie RATIFIED at 10AM EST/ 4PM CET free RSVP here
December 10 – Human Rights Day The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
December 12 – International Universal Health Coverage Day
December 13 – U.S. National Guard Birthday The National Guard celebrates 388 years.
“On this date in 1636, the first militia regiments in North America organized in Massachusetts. The descendants of these first regiments – the 181st Infantry, the 182nd Infantry, the 101st Field Artillery, and the 101st Engineer Battalion of the Massachusetts Army National Guard – share the distinction of being the oldest units in the U.S. military.”
December 14 – National Wreaths Across America Day 2024 Theme: Live With Purpose
December 15 – Bill of Rights Day Bill of Rights Day commemorates the ratification of the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, with the National Archives documenting its celebrations. The Bill was introduced by James Madison, who later became the fourth President of the United States.
December 18 – International Migrants Day The recognition of the contributions of individual migrants and the United States’ actions to support safe, orderly, and humane migration around the world
December 27 – International Day of Epidemic Preparedness
Upcoming DA Activities
"We will organize in our communities. We will fight through the courts. We will argue our case through the media. We will reach out to the people who have lost faith in the government’s ability to improve their lives." --Robert Reich
Jill Biden to attend grand re-opening of Notre Dame cathedral in final trip as first lady
The first lady will continue to focus on the topics that she has championed throughout her stay in the White House, such as support for military families, education, and women's health and cancer research.
“The basic bargain used to be that if you worked hard and played by the rules, you’d do better and your children would do even better than you.”
Double-check three P's: Premiums, providers and prescription drugs for 2025
The Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH) is an independent Agency in the Executive branch of the U.S. Government. The AFRH provides residences and related services for certain retired and former members of the U.S. Armed Forces
In 2025, VA will transition to two sign-in account options: Login.gov and ID.me. Veterans will no longer be able to use usernames and passwords for My HealtheVet after January 31, 2025, or DS Logon after September 30, 2025. To access your data and manage benefits online, you must create a new account. This helps meet Veterans’ requests for a simpler sign-in experience and continues to improve security standards, comply with federal policies, and ensure data and identity protection.
Your monetary donations to Democrats Abroad Germany stay right here and are used exclusively to organize and get out the vote among Americans in Germany. We are already planning for the mid-term elections! Please consider making a donation today!
And don’t forget to request your absentee ballot for 2025. All overseas U.S. citizens must do this each calendar year. Go to www.VoteFromAbroad.org January 1, 2025 (not before!) to start the New Year!!