Message from the Chair
Happy 2023….and a renewed chance to move that needle on climate and environmental justice. Since the official launch of Democrats Abroad ECCC one year ago, we have accomplished a lot, both within our organization with your support and through the Biden administration with the help of Congress. Federal funds are now being allocated to local governments and to states and tribes to help with electrification, weatherization, and renewable energy infrastructure.
Though much was accomplished in 2022 legislatively in favor of climate change mitigation and our transition toward a fossil fuel-free economy, continued progress will be difficult with a GOP-controlled House. We will continue our fight to stop fossil fuel subsidies and new fossil fuel infrastructure, to push for biodiversity protection, a Windfall Profits Tax, and recognition of the Climate Emergency. Our recourse lies in federal agencies, state legislatures, local initiatives, and executive emergency powers. Environmental activists around the country are calling for the President to use his executive powers to declare a Climate Emergency.
Please sign our Democrats Abroad Petition to the White House to declare a Climate Emergency!
We will continue organizing globally to ensure that climate voters like you are informed and have a voice in this existential issue of our time in 2023, 2024, and beyond. Thank you all for your engagement, support, and inspiration this first year of our Council!
Dana Freling
Chair, DA Environment & Climate Crisis Council
Six states have elections scheduled for 2023:
It’s good practice to register every year to vote, so request your absentee ballot today from! For more information about specific races check 2023 State Voting Information and 2023 Election Dates.
Brazilian journalist and activist Bruno Toledo will be joining us to discuss the recent regime change in Brazil and how this is vital to the health of the Amazon, the planet, and the future of democracy in the region.
Welcome to our February Climate Cafe - Preserving the Lungs of the Planet: Brazil's 2nd chance!
Climate Café - February 22nd, at 10:00AM EST/4:00PM CET
Mastering Methane: The Fastest Battle in the Climate War by Diana Powers |
Wind Turbine Blades: Round and Round in the Circular Economy by Gabrielle Leyden |
💪 Two Climate Activists, 40 Years Apart in Age, on the Movement’s Future
🌴 Brazil: Lula appoints Amazon activist in cabinet role
🐝 US approves world’s first vaccine for declining honey bees
🌞 Renewables Projected to Soon Be One-Fourth of US Electricity Generation. Really Soon
💦 Arizona’s New Governor Takes on Water Conservation and Promises to Revise the State’s Groundwater Management Act
🌏 Biden’s Clean Air Act agenda faces time crunch
♻️ The Food Chain Should Be a Food Circle
🎯 Climate change progress hinges on massive changes in behavior from both public and private sectors
🌎 Ozone layer may be restored in decades, UN report says
🌪 Majority of disabled people never go home after disasters
🌍 Watch our December Climate Café – Arts and Climate Activism, with special guest Michelle Deatrick
🌍 Watch our November Climate Café - COP27 Round up: Live from Sharm El Sheik with Sam Goodman
🌍 Watch our YOUTH v GOV Voices Webinar
🌍 Watch our October Climate Café – Climate Change and Environment Justice: Doing Right by Africa
🌍 Watch our September Climate Cafe on the Inflation Reduction Act
🌍 Read the ECCC Statement on the Inflation Reduction Act
🌏 Watch our August Climate Café on Climate and Disabilities
🌍 Watch our July Climate Café on Queer Ecology
🌍 Did you miss our Co₂nsequences: Global Climate Rally in April? You can watch it here. We had a lot of great speakers and performers.
🌍 Want to make your lifestyle greener? Boost your knowledge. Check out our Earth Care Toolkit.
Please consider donating to Democrats Abroad Environment & Climate Crisis Council to help with our ongoing efforts to get out the green vote and connect all of you with the policies and people fighting for a more sustainable planet.
Click on the link to become a one-time or sustaining donor!
A meaningful way to get out our message is through social media. We need your help extending our essential message by following, liking, and subscribing to our established social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. We can’t beat the algorithms without your help.