May 13, 2022

Democrats Abroad Japan 2022 Bylaws Election Results

The 2022 DAJ Bylaws Committee reports the results of the Bylaws Amendments Election as follows:

28 Total Votes
Question #1 - Removal of extraneous "the" - 100.00% In The Affirmative
28 Aye
0 Nay

Question #2 change to require chapter chairs to make all reasonable efforts to appoint or elect a full slate of officers - 78.26% In The Affirmative
23 Aye
5 Nay

Question 3 - Addressing the conflict between the DAJ Bylaws which allowed appointment of ExCom vacancies, and the DA Charter which requires DPCA Representatives who vote in the international governing body to be elected, by requiring elections to fill vacancies - 92.04% In The Affirmative
26 Aye
2 Nay
As a result all three measures passed.  Your National Secretary observed the counting, and then certified the results.  These results remain provisional for 30 days to allow for challenges. They will be incorporated into the Bylaws. 
First a big thank you to the DAJ Bylaws Committee of 2022, Leslie Anne Rogers (chair), Raymond Terhune (vice chair), Max Sternberg (National Counsel), John Baumlin (DPCA Rep)., Regina Salathe(National Treasurer) 
And a big thank you to all the members who voted in this election making it a success.  
Dave Brauer
Secretary, Democrats Abroad Japan
Additional Message from John Baumlin, previous DAJ Chair and current DPCA Rep
Ready for another round of voting? The experimental direct democracy ballot recommended by the Bylaws Committee is ready!
This experiment in Direct Democracy was approved by the DAJ 2022 Bylaws Committee.

As one of DA Japan's DPCA Members, I will be taking feedback and through the democratic process, amendments, and motioning process, attempt to follow the results provided in this form and an explanation of the results. The outcomes and challenges will be compiled for the next Annual General Meeting of Democrats Abroad Japan for consideration of the general membership. We're hoping 20 people submit their ballot for quorum and/or feedback to validate the experiment, so if you cast a Bylaws Ballot, cast a ballot for our State Party's future before the Global Meeting this week!
John Baumlin,
DAJ DPCA Representative
Videos of the pre-meetings can be found here: