DA Germany's former and current ExCom members at their first meeting on 24 February at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place from 22-24 February 2019 at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies. Vielen Dank Heidelberg Chapter for a wonderful weekend and a well planned and executed event. Thanks to everyone who attended in person or on WebEx.
Check out the photos from each day and videos from our 2019 AGM
On Saturday, we successfully held our ExCom Elections. Here are the results:
Candice Kerestan - Chair | Kenton Barnes - Vice Chair |
Andrea Schwab - Secretary | Ronald Schlundt - Treasurer |
Claudia Clark - GOTV | Angela Fobbs - Communications |
Emily Lines - Events & Fundraising | Susan Penrod - Database & IT |
Beverly Seebach - Media and Press | Quaide Williams - Chapter Development |
Congratulations to everyone and we look forward to working with you to achieve our agenda and get out the vote for Democrats!
See the complete election results and the other members of our ExCom
We honor and thank Owen Jappen and Hilary Bown for their immense service and dedication to Democrats Abroad. We're so grateful for everything they have done to make us successful in the past 2 years.
Election/ Voting information
Many states have elections in 2019. Even if you voted in 2018, submitting a new ballot request form in 2019 is required by most states. ☛ Go to www.votefromabroad.org to complete the form.
- Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia will hold regularly scheduled general elections in 2019. There will also be two special elections in North Carolina.
- Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi will elect their next governor and other state executive offices.
- Louisiana and Mississippi will also vote for their State Senate and State House. New Jersey will elect their General Assembly. Virginia will elect their State Senate & House of Delegates.
- In North Carolina Congressional District 3 a special primary and general election have been called to fill the vacancy left by the death of Rep. Walter Jones (R) on February 10, 2019. To vote in the primary, you must enter the name of the party ballot you want to receive on the form. Political party affiliation is not required if requesting an absentee ballot for general elections.
- North Carolina's 9th Congressional District Special Primary
- On February 21, 2019, the NC State Board of Elections voted 5-0 to call a new election after validating election fraud allegations which had prompted them to refuse to declare a winner following the general election on November 6, 2018. To vote in the primary, you must enter the name of the party ballot you want to receive on the form. Political party affiliation is not required if requesting an absentee ballot for general elections.
- Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District will have a Special Election to fill the vacancy caused when Representative Tom Marino (R) resigned from office on January 23, 2019, to take a job in the private sector. Democrats nominated Marc Friedenberg (D) on February 12, 2019.
Get more information on the 2019 elections.
2019 General Elections at a Glance
30 April | North Carolina Congressional District 3 Special Primary, 9 July Runoff or General Elections |
14 May | North Carolina's 9th Congressional District Special Primary |
21 May | Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District Special Election |
21 May | Kentucky Primary |
4 Jun | New Jersey Primary |
11 Jun | Virginia Primary |
6 Aug | Mississippi Primary, 27 Aug Runoff |
12 Oct | Louisiana Primary, 16 Nov Runoff |
5 Nov | General Election |
Make a new ballot request for 2019 — send the form right away!
- Go to www.votefromabroad.org to complete the *Ballot Request form (FPCA).
- Follow the Instructions to attach your signature online—or—print out and sign the completed form.
- Send the signed FPCA to your election official. You may EMAIL, FAX or MAIL your FPCA to your Local Election Official.
We recommend that you request to receive your ballot by email/online or fax, for the fastest delivery. You can expect to receive your ballot 45 days before the election.
Comment Period for Democrats Abroad delegate selection plan for the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Democrats Abroad has a total of twenty-one (21) National Convention delegates. This plan determines how the delegates are selected. As required by the Delegate Selection Rules for the 2020 Democratic National Convention, Democrats Abroad is hereby posting its draft Delegate Selection Plan for public comment for a period of 30 days.
The public comment period begins March 8, 2019, and ends April 8, 2019. Public comments on the draft DSP document must be emailed to [email protected] with the name and contact information of the commenter.
Many thanks to all who supported the Democrats Abroad Taxation Task Force in the distribution of our survey instrument. We are so grateful for your help. Democrats Abroad has published its 2019 research on the tax filing and financial account reporting experience of Americans abroad. Click here to download the report entitled "Tax Filing From Abroad: Research on Non-Resident Americans and U.S. Taxation." The full report and a short summary of the findings can be found at the link.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
11th Annual Democrats Abroad Oktoberfest Extravaganza
RSVP today and save! Until July 1st, tickets are only 65 euros. Starting on July 1st, ticket prices will increase to 75 euros.
Sunday, October 6, 2019, from 11 am until 2:30 pm. join 100 Democrats from around the world for a fun time at the Munich Oktoberfest. What started out 11 years ago as a DA "FUN-draiser" is now one of DA’s premier events worldwide where members from around the globe gather annually to have a good time. Our reserved tables are in the "Gallerie" overlooking the main crowd of the “Schottenhamel” which is one of the most traditional beer tents.
Each ticket includes:
- A reserved seat in the “Gallerie”
- A half roasted chicken (vegetarian options are also available)
- Two liters of Spaten beer or other beverage
- A 10-euro coupon for other purchases
After you RSVP, please reserve your tickets by completing this reservation form. After you have completed this reservation form, you will receive an invoice via Quickbooks. If you have any questions or have not received the invoice within several days, please contact the DAG Oktoberfest organizers at [email protected].
Every month, we have events throughout Germany. Check out our events page for more events.
DA Speakers Series - March Webinars - Join us for more great webinars:
March 21, 7 pm CET: Tafeni English, Director of The Civil Rights Memorial Center at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
Join us for a session on the rise of hate crimes and anti-Semitism in America, offering valuable insights for anyone fighting for equality and social justice. RSVP Here
March 27, 6:30 pm CET: Susan Herman, President of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
We'll speak with President Herman about the role of the ACLU in voter protection work across the US and how Democrats Abroad members can get involved in protecting our votes, and those of Americans in the US too. RSVP Here
Do you have questions for our speakers? After you RSVP, look for our event confirmation in your inbox, with instructions on how to submit questions for each speaker.
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI) You can watch our three most recent webinars online:
- Watch Our Revolution President Nina Turner, in a Black History Month webinar and Q&A.
- Watch Black History Month Webinar with historian Anna-Lisa as she discusses her research and book about early African American pioneers “The Bone and Sinew of the Land: America's Forgotten Black Pioneers and the Struggle for Equality”.
- Watch Christine Pelosi, California attorney, author, activist and chair of the Women’s Caucus of California in a Women’s History Month webinar and Q&A.
DAG is a self-sustaining, 100% volunteer organization. Thank you to all our Sustaining Members, your donations are vital. Without you, our mission would be a lot more difficult.
In 2020, we must defeat Donald Trump! If you are not currently a sustaining member, please consider becoming one. In 2016, we calculated that each Euro spent resulted in 3 new members/voters and in 2020 every vote will be necessary. A donation of €5 per month or more will make a big difference for us. If you are interested in donating, either one time, monthly, or quarterly, please find our bank information below. To make it a recurring donation, you would do a “Dauerauftrag”. The suggested recurring donation amount is 5 Euros, but higher amounts are gladly accepted.
Account name: Democrats Abroad Germany
IBAN: DE04 5405 0220 0140 2702 99
Thanks for reading and keep resisting,
DA Germany