November 14, 2017

Join a Democrats Abroad Caucus




Democrats Abroad is pleased to announce that we now have 5 active caucuses; three out of the five caucuses are chaired by Germany Members. A Caucus is a a group of people united to promote an agreed-upon causes. Caucuses can be organized according to a commonality, whether it's ideological, ethnic or interest group-based. All members are welcome to join any of these special interest groups.  By joining, you’ll be informed about specific issues and special events that the caucus has scheduled. 

To join any Caucus, just click one or more of the following links:






You can go to to read about each of the caucuses.

Also, checkout and like our Facebook pages:

Democrats Abroad FB
Black Caucus FB
Hispanic Caucus FB
LGBT Caucus FB
Women's Caucus FB
Youth Caucus FB


To contact any of the caucus chairs, please use the email addresses below:

Global Black Caucus Chair - Angela Fobbs, [email protected]

Global Hispanic Caucus Chair - Ana Hernandez Blackstad. [email protected]

Global LGBT Co-Chairs - Martha McDevitt-Pugh and Bob Vallier, [email protected]

Global Women's Caucus Co-Chairs - Ann Hesse and Salli Swartz, [email protected]

Global Youth Caucus Co-Chairs - Amy Dutailly and John Grosser, [email protected]


We hope you will join one or more of our DA Caucuses.