We hope that your summer has been enjoyable, whether you spent it entirely in Germany or visiting with friends and family around the world. Many of our chapters and members have been hard at work continuing to seek opportunities to defend our values and further causes most important to us. As the summer fades and fall sets in, join in with your local chapter activities or one of the larger events below over the coming months!
September Events:
Hamburg Labor Day Picnic - Sunday, September 03, 2017, 1:30pm - 4:30pm
We will be getting together on the Sunday of Labor Day Weekend. This will be a potluck, so bring along one of your specialties (American, German or otherwise) and join us to celebrate the US holiday in Hamburg's Stadtpark.
Frankfurt Chapter Membership and Registration Drive - Sunday, September 03, 2017, 12pm - 5pm
The Frankfurt Chapter will be sponsoring a membership and voter registration drive at the “New Comers Festival” in Frankfurt at the ”Römer”. So if you are not registered to vote or know someone who is interested in registering, please visit us and share this information with them.
Berlin: Everyone an Activist (Tech) Workshop - Tuesday, September 05, 2017, 7:30pm - 9pm
It’s September and time to go back to #resistance school! Democrats Abroad Berlin is hosting a tech workshop to get you ready to engage on the most important political issues. We’ll also have guest speaker Vincent-Immanuel Herr, activist, feminist, and co-author of the book “Who, If Not Us?” to talk about the role of regular citizens in political and civic life.
Online DA Speaker Series: Climate Change - Tuesday, September 5, 2017, 8pm - 9pm
Join us for the next webinar in our DA Speaker Series. This time we'll be discussing climate change with guest speakers from the League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club on Tuesday, September 5th at 2 p.m. EDT. RSVP TODAY!
Kaiserslautern Chapter After Labor Day Picnic - Saturday, September 9, 2017, 1pm - 4pm
Beverly Brinn has graciously volunteered to host this event at her home in Landstuhl. Plan to bring your favorite dish to share with the group for this potluck/BBQ event.
Baseball in Hamburg - Knights vs. Stealers - Saturday, September 16, 2017, 2pm - 7pm
Join us for a ball game right here in Hamburg. We'll be cheering on the Hamburg Knights (whose roster includes Chapter member Eric Shambroom) as they take on the Hamburg Stealers in a doubleheader.
Stuttgart Chapter Political Pub night in September - September 21, 2017, 7pm - 9pm
Join us for another fun evening drinks and snacks and the chance to share your opinions on the latest political gossip! Our Pub Nights are an especially good opportunity for curious prospective members to check us out, and for all of our non-American family and friends to share their unique views on the craziness in Washington that affects all of us.
Liz Jaff in Munich - Saturday, September 30, 2107, 5:30 pm - Twenty-nine-year-old Liz Jaff, organizer, fundraiser, community builder and tech whiz, ran for a Vice-Chair seat in the last 2017 DNC election in Atlanta. Liz will be joining DA Germany to speak to our members to explain what the tech world and Silicon Valley can bring to the sphere of Democratic progressive politics.
Wiesbaden/Mainz Chapter Social Event in Rheingau - Saturday, September 30, 2017, 2pm - 6pm
Join us for an exceptional afternoon near Wiesbaden. Whether you hope to make new friends with Americans living abroad, snack on tacos, enjoy the sights of Bubenhäuser Höhe, taste a little local wine or learn more about political issues come to our gathering!
Kryptonite Radio Theater Wiesbaden has agreed to perform at our September event. Members of the multinational crew perform skits, plays, and music from the golden age of radio with a modern twist. Join us for an exceptional afternoon near Wiesbaden. It should be great and we hope you join us!
October Events:
Ninth Annual Oktoberfest in Munich - Sunday, October 1, 2017, 11:00 am · €80.00 EUR - Join us at Munich’s Oktoberfest, with 120 Democrats from all around the world, in the most traditional of all the beer tents: Schottenhamel!
An Evening with Howard Dean in Berlin - Thursday, October 5, 2017, 5pm · €8.00 EUR
Democrats Abroad is honored to be able to welcome former Governor of Vermont and Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean. Governor Dean will speak, as well as take questions from the audience.
Wiesbaden-Mainz Chapter at the Mainz Oktoberfest - Sunday, October 22nd, 10:30 am €26.00
Can't go the Munich Oktoberfest, why not try Mainz's Oktoberfest. Bring the whole family for a day of fun and German culture in heart of Mainz.
November Events:
2017 DPCA Global Auction
Donating items to be bid on globally. All proceeds will go toward Getting Out the Vote for American's abroad and helping to elect Democrats down the ballot in the 2018 Midterm Elections. Additionally, 50% of proceeds raised by DAG donations will go directly to support DA Germany. Items may be donated via this link. You can start donating items now.
Save the date for Wiesbaden-Mainz Chapter Thanksgiving Dinner - Thursday, November 23, 2017, 6pm - 9pm. Location and details to be announced in October
For the latest information about Democrats Abroad Germany, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram