May 06, 2022

Protect the Right to Abortion - How You Can Help

Many of us are still reeling from this week's Supreme Court document previewing a June decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade, but we've moved forward quickly to take action. Democrats Abroad is rallying globally, with the gender inclusive Global Women’s Caucus and our International Chair Candice Kerestan leading the way. 

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced he will be calling for a new vote on the Women's Health Protection Act on Wednesday, May 11. We need to contact our Senators now to demand they vote YES and protect the right to an abortion!

We learned in 2016 that elections have far reaching consequences. Let's share that sense of urgency about the midterms.  Women of every age and throughout history have been impacted by the laws that restrict their participation in society and limit their bodily autonomy. This is the year to be bold and challenge those in charge from members of Congress to the Supreme Court. 

Engaging and enlisting the help of the 500,000 Americans living in Canada who can vote is key.  FVAP estimated that only 4.6% of U.S. voters in Canada returned their ballots in the 2018 midterms. This leaves a huge opportunity for U.S. voters in Canada to protect reproductive rights and all the other essential rights that will now be vulnerable. We must protect our democracy.

We Need Everyone's Help: 

  • Contact your Senator TODAY! We need to codify access to abortion into law. Contact your Senators TODAY and tell them we need to pass the Women's Health Protection Act when they vote on May 11. Click here for simple instructions to help you email your Senator.  
  • Join the Women’s Caucus! We aren’t stopping. We’ll keep fighting. Sign up for the Women’s Caucus to get more frequent updates on how you can help. Everyone of all genders welcome, click here to join us.
  • Request and Return your Midterms Ballot NOW! Go to today to make sure you vote in the 2022 midterms.
  • Help a Friend Vote! Do you know other Americans living in Canada? Do they know how to vote? Send them to to answer any questions and get them registered!
  • Share Resources on Social! Save or screenshot this tile with action steps everyone can take and help us get the word out to your network on social media!

In 2017, Mitch McConnell uttered his three only memorable words while trying to stop Elizabeth Warren from speaking: "Nevertheless She Persisted." They became a rallying cry for all of us! This week, she challenged us all again to keep fighting with her. "I am angry, upset, determined."  Oh, and she's not giving up: "Not Ever!"

In Sisterhood,

Democrats Abroad Canada - Women's Caucus Leadership