Message from DA Spain Chair
You already know that the upcoming elections are a) critical to stopping the rise of fascism and Christian nationalism in the USA, and b) alarmingly close. In past elections, our members have provided the margin of victory for democracy, and we can do it again. But we can only succeed if we all VOTE.
Members of DA Spain have been working tirelessly to mobilize our voters. We've been calling and writing to ensure that you have everything you need to register, request your ballot, and return it on time, following the (increasingly complex) rules of the various states. We are assisting voters in person, by phone, and online to ensure every ballot counts. When local election officials try to undermine the right to vote from abroad, we enlist voter protection experts. We're also keeping voters updated with the latest election information. All of this effort is focused on one goal: making sure you VOTE.
With your help—your ballot—we can ensure that the torch of leadership passes safely to a new generation of progressive leaders. We can continue building a more open, diverse, and free society. But we can only do this if you VOTE.
Kathy Tullos, DA Spain Chair
PS- Tell us if you've voted!
Need help? Email [email protected]
Announcements and Calls to Action
Unveiling Project 2025: Stand Up for Democracy -- Your Vote is Key!
By Sally DeSipio, DA Portugal
You’ve likely seen emerging news reports about GOP lawsuits in Pennsylvania and Michigan, questioning the legality of the overseas vote. You might even have friends or family sharing concerns—or random people on social media “just asking questions.”
All of this is part of a larger disinformation campaign aimed at casting doubt on the legitimacy of the election. Ultimately, the goal is to disenfranchise your vote.
Here are the facts:
Every American citizen has the legal right to vote, as guaranteed by the Constitution. This applies whether you are in the United States, in the military, a legal resident abroad, a digital nomad, a student studying overseas, or a tourist away from home.
This right is federally protected by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA), signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. Among other things, the law mandates that you must receive your ballot 45 days before an election, helping ensure a secure ballot return (note: some states interpret this as the date by which ballots must be mailed out, but I digress).
Your vote is as secure and verified as any vote cast within the United States. New voters must register using the same personal information as domestic voters; experienced voters must submit a new request form each year, using previously approved personal information.
Vote From Abroad is a website where voters apply for their ballot; it does not make decisions about whether a ballot is issued. For federal elections, UOCAVA requires that the ID used must be a Social Security number or state ID; for non-federal elections, the state sets the rules.
Citizenship status, voter ID, and eligibility are determined by the state. After applying, the state reviews the information and decides the applicant's eligibility.
- No one seriously questioned this law—until now. Why? Likely because, in 2020, the overseas vote exceeded the margin of victory in two key states: Arizona and Georgia. In an increasingly tight race, that makes some people uncomfortable.
OK, that last part is not technically a fact, but it’s important to consider the reasoning behind what's happening. We know that fear and disenfranchisement are long-standing tactics to suppress voter turnout. Another tactic is sowing distrust in the system. Both are being employed here. This time, we see it coming. For once, we have the opportunity to play offense, not defense.
I can’t stress this enough: Get your vote submitted. This is not the election to vote for a third party or sit out because of disagreements with a specific policy or because Harris isn’t your favorite. VOTE TO PROTECT YOUR VERY RIGHT TO VOTE. Please, vote.
Many states require that you request your ballot annually. Requesting your ballot takes about 5 minutes.
Help Americans Overseas Navigate Voting—It’s Not Too Late!
By Joanne Haas, DA Valencia and Vote From Abroad
Election season is here, and you have the power to influence whether your friends and family from the USA vote — but time is running out.
Here's how you can help:
Reach out! Ask all your American contacts abroad if they've voted or need help. is nonpartisan, so you can reach out to others without engaging in partisan politics.
It’s not too late to vote from abroad! Most states still accept ballot requests, and many allow the entire process to be completed electronically. If your ballot is sitting in your inbox, on your kitchen table, or if you haven’t yet requested your 2024 ballot, there’s still time, but you must act now!
Act fast if it involves mail! Find State specific instructions online, and for states that require mailed forms, time is of the essence.
- Help is here! Besides the FAQs on the website, the Vote from Abroad YouTube channel offers a wealth of resources, including:
Need more help? Vote from Abroad offers Zoom room hours and email support. Encourage people to hop into a Zoom help desk for quicker assistance! Voting from abroad can be just as simple as voting stateside. Most issues can be resolved with a little help. Reach out to Vote from Abroad voter support for advice!
Let’s ensure that every American abroad has their voice heard! Let’s do this!
Democrats Abroad Spain
To stay on top of all the news, follow Democrats Abroad Spain on social media. And please forward this email to your American friends in Spain who may not know us!
This newsletter comes to you by:
- Daniel Garcia, Content Director
- Andrea Host-Barth, Technical Producer
- Albion Land, Copy Editor
Donations to Democrats Abroad go directly to registering Americans and get out the vote (GOTV) activities such as phone banking, postcards, and most importantly, social media. Democrats Abroad is an incredible investment in our Democracy because it is 100% volunteer led and organized. Every euro or dollar you give supports our work to elect Democrats who will fight to make a better life for all Americans.
If you cannot afford to make a donation, consider volunteering your time, or bringing a friend to one of our events.