Vote in the Illinois Democratic Primary

The Illinois Democratic Primary is on March 20. Now is the time to request your ballot for primary, and doing so means you will be signed up to get a ballot for every election in 2018 you are eligible to vote in—including the General Election in November and any special or runoff elections.

The primary election will choose the candidates who will break the Republican majority in the U.S. House and U.S. Senate. Help pick the candidates who will advance your vision for the future.

Overseas voters who indicate that they "intend to return" on the ballot request form may also vote in Illinois state elections. Electing Democrats to the Illinois state legislature and local offices is the best way to hold Republicans accountable for the damage they and the current administration are doing to the U.S. and the world.

Request an Absentee Ballot

Overseas voters need to request a ballot every calendar year you want to vote. Be sure to submit a ballot request form for 2018! Go to and follow the prompts to fill in the form. Then print it out, sign it and EMAIL, FAX or MAIL to your Local Election Official in Illinois. To vote in the primary, your form must be RECEIVED in Illinois by Monday, March 12.

If you are currently not registered to vote, use the same form to both register and request an absentee ballot simultaneously. If you indicate you "intend to return" and want to vote in the primary for both state and federal offices, your form must be RECEIVED in Illinois by Monday, February 20. All other overseas voters will receive a primary ballot to vote for federal offices only, as long as it's received by the deadline, Monday, March 12.

Voting your Ballot

When you get your ballot—or if you have already received it—be sure to fill it out and MAIL it back right away! Your signed and voted ballot must be POSTMARKED by Tuesday, March 20 and RECEIVED in Illinois by Tuesday, April 3.

Haven't received your ballot? Vote using the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (or FWAB) and MAIL it back right away—it must be must be POSTMARKED by Tuesday, March 20 and RECEIVED in Illinois by Tuesday, April 3rd. For more information, go to

Happy voting!