Jerusalem, May 28 – Democrats Abroad-Israel unequivocally condemns the increasing wave of antisemitism – an increase of 60% over the past few weeks, according to the ADL – and calls on community leaders and legislators to take all necessary steps to stem the worrying tide. The condemnation follows the statements of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Vice President Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party leadership including, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, House Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, and others who have admirably taken firm stands on the issue.
“The disturbing increase in physical, verbal and online antisemitic attacks in the United States and around the world must be addressed through a combination of enforcement, awareness, and education campaigns and interventions,” says DA-Israel Chair Dr. Elana Sztokman. “In addition, we call on the Republican party to take responsibility for stoking hatred and enabling radical and violent extremists in their midst, as we saw on January 6 and as we hear from people like Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene whose vile conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial have been supported by 199 House Republicans. The failure to act in the face of antisemitism poses a threat not only to Jews but to all endangered minorities and to democracy itself.”
DA Israel applauds the Democratic leadership for taking a stand on this issue.
President Biden
“The recent attacks on the Jewish community are despicable, and they must stop. I condemn this hateful behavior at home and abroad — it’s up to all of us to give hate no safe harbor.”
Vice President Kamala Harris
“The surge in anti-Semitic attacks against the Jewish community in the U.S. and around the world is despicable — it must be called out, condemned and stopped. As a country, we must stand united against hate of any kind.”
Secretary Anthony Blinken
“In our own country, in the United States, we’ve witnessed a shocking eruption of anti-Semitic attacks. As President Biden said just yesterday, they are despicable and they must stop.”
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
“The recent spike in antisemitic attacks against Jews around the country and the world is horrific, heartbreaking & demands action. Antisemitism cannot be tolerated. We must come together as Americans to condemn and combat this appalling bigotry and hatred.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
“We must stand together to stop the recent surge in anti-Semitic attacks. We must stand together against the forces of hate. Anti-Semitism, bigotry, and intolerance have no place in New York or anywhere else.”
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD)
"I am deeply alarmed by the heinous antisemitic attacks that have occurred in our country and abroad over the past several days. Nothing can ever justify violence fueled by hatred and bigotry. All Americans who cherish justice, freedom, equality, and rule of law must loudly and strongly condemn these acts of antisemitism and work together in our communities to banish this evil from our midst. The scenes of Jewish Americans being targeted for attack on the street, in restaurants, and in their places of work ought to frighten and disturb every American. There is no room in our multicultural, multi-ethnic, and pluralistic democracy for this or any other form of racism. And there must be no opportunity for the ideology that gave rise to Nazism to secure a foothold in our country and threaten the future of America.”
For more information, contact Dems Abroad Israel
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