January 20, 2025

2025 Democrats Abroad Portugal Officer Elections are Happening in March

Democrats Abroad Portugal Banner

Yes - the two-year term for our current slate of Officers is up in March, and we invite everyone in the organization to run for office. There are five officers and six members-at-large who largely make decisions around strategy, communications and important Get-Out-The-Vote decisions for the next two years. This team also works hard to build community through on-line and in-person events and makes sure you are always in the front row about Global initiatives.

Learn more and consider becoming a leading member of Democrats Abroad Portugal.  The Nominations and Elections Committee is hosting an Information Session on January 30 at 7:00 pm WET.  You can ask questions about becoming a candidate, nominating a member, what the different roles are and how to vote. 

This year, in March, you, our members will elect: 

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Counsel
  • Members at Large (up to 6)
  • Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) Voting Representative (1 + alternates)

Our leadership team is an engaged, dynamic, fun group who coordinates the many volunteers who help register voters, ensure Americans in Portugal vote in the US, and organize events.  Stay tuned for more specific information about these elections. In the meantime, please mark your calendars for these important dates:

January 30, Thursday, 7pm - Nomination and Elections Information Session

  •  Nominations open January 31 and close February 20

February 27, Thursday, 7pm - Candidates Town Hall - Meet the candidates at a virtual “town hall” 

March 6, Thursday - Voting Opens (electronic)

March 19, at noon - Voting Closes

March 20, Thursday, 7pm - DAPT Annual General Meeting and Election Results 

More information about the nomination and voting process will be provided soon. In the meantime, we welcome inquiries at [email protected]

Democratically yours,

Amélie Kelly and Lynette Shaw, Co-Chairs

Rachel Fratt

Anthony Herman

Megan Thomas

Sally DeSipio

DAPT Nominations and Election Committee