December 09, 2024

December 2024 Newsletter


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Whew. This month has been a lot.

I hope everyone who observes had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. I know mine was extremely healing for everyone who came. As trite as this may be, it was a much needed reminder of all that is important.

So we lost. And to many of us, it feels like we lost everything. We collectively shared emotions from sadness to horror to alarm. If you were anything like me - who had a resolute conviction that we were not just going to win, but win BIG - the results were clouded by a shattering hue of impossibility. And the sense of shock is persisting. I have always trusted and followed my gut, and I was sure - so sure - we were going to win. I didn’t have an ounce of anxiety. So if my gut failed me so completely, what is my North Star?

I’ve spoken to many - both here in Portugal and throughout the States -  who have chosen to boycott the news, feeling manipulated and helpless. In too many ways, we are living in the upside down world.

But after several weeks of being mostly off-line, I finally have had to set my attention on it again - despite my whole self wanting to disassociate. I’m tuning in in part because of my position and the responsibility that I feel, and in part because I can’t just surrender, and I’m not that cynical. We know their plans - and least some of them - and they are ugly, and they are evil. And I am dispositionally incapable of just giving up and giving them a free ride. I say this with full knowledge that most of us need more time - this is the nature of real trauma. I say this knowing that maybe a majority of us gave all they had and burned out. I say this knowing we need to rebuild in real ways, and engage new energy to help supplement the work.

I am happy to share (and was frankly surprised) that Democrats Abroad has not stopped. Since November 6th - the day after the election -  dedicated activists from around the globe began to regroup and plan. They are strategizing around activations where Democrats can channel our anger and energies if and when you are ready. Already, there are concrete actions you can take, if you want to. One of the most basic and time-honored actions is also one of the easiest: call your Senators and Representatives, your governors and local officials - call them daily - especially if you live in a red state. Call to denounce these absurdist, unqualified Cabinet choices. Call to urge them preemptively to denounce round-ups and mass deportation. If you’re in a blue trifecta, call to urge them to stockpile Abortion meds (some state, like Oregon, is already starting this). Call to let them know you’re paying attention and you care what is happening. There are any number of reasons to call - Put their numbers in your phone and be a pain in the ***. They work for you and actually pay attention.

Moreover, if Phase One of our mission is Getting Out the Vote (which Portugal delivered thanks to the dedicated work of hundreds of volunteers), Phase Two is to Make Our Voices Heard. Democrats Abroad is developing a Resistance Advocacy Program. I will be sharing more details on this after the holidays. It’s a big deal, and some of our smartest leaders from around the globe are working on it.

TO THIS END, I am looking for folks now who are looking for a way to channel their anger and their concern. Please contact me if you are looking for ways to get involved. I am putting together a spreadsheet so we are primed and ready for action after the New Year.

DA Global has asked us to share a voter survey that will help us correlate data and see where the sticky parts are moving forward. It is about five questions and will take less than a minute. Please access it here.

Finally, a head’s up that we will be having our Annual General Meeting in March -  the two year term will be up for our entire 11 member Executive Committee and I encourage members to consider running for the positions. While it has been an honor and a privilege, I will not be running for Chair again, nor will Nevin Weiner, our Vice Chair. We will need folks to step up and run for those positions. In addition the officers are Counsel, Secretary, Treasurer, Voting Member and six additional open seats. Expertise needed is legal, fundraising, organizing, and marketing (preferably digital). Please reach out to me if you are interested. It’s a fantastic way to meet people both in country and around the world.

As always, I like to give articles and podcasts I think are informative or inspiring. I am finding substack a terrific way to get a take on the news that is less mediated and controlled by big business or businessmen who have ulterior interests. Enjoy:

Molly Jong Fast: This is No Time For Cynicism

Malcolm Nance: Five Steps to Resist the Coming Tryanny 

Melissa Ryan: The Billionaires Strike Back

Carol Cadwalladr: How to Survive the Broligarchy

Sam Harris: Is History Repeating Itself

and apropos of nothing except I loved the story about the two wolves:

This American Life: How I learned to Shave

And finally, my on-going appeal to follow our social media - we have been a bit lax since the election, but we will always be keeping you informed, especially with regards to actions and events. Democrats Abroad and several country chapters have migrated to Bluesky (finally). Please consider following us there. DA Portugal is taking a beat before we formally inaugurate ours - we need someone who will monitor it.





Democratically yours,

Sally DeSipio

Chair DAPT

DA Portugal