Now is the time to VOTE in the Massachusetts State House Special Elections!
On November 7th, Massachusetts will vote for new representatives in the First Berkshire State House District (Pittsfield area of Berkshire County) and Third Essex (Haverhill) State House District.
All overseas voters can vote in Massachusetts State Elections – and your vote can be the difference! Turnout for Special Elections tend to be very low and just a few votes – such as yours – can be key. Let's elect John Barrett and Andy Vargas and keep these seats Democratic.
It's simple to vote! You don't need to register to vote, but these are local elections, so your town may require you to MAIL in your ballot.
When you get your ballot, MAIL it back right away. It must be POSTMARKED by November 7 AND received in Massachusetts by November 17 at 5pm (Massachusetts time).
Haven’t received your ballot yet? If you haven’t received your ballot yet – or if you haven’t requested a ballot, VOTE using the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (or FWAB).
The same deadlines apply, so MAIL in your FWAB right away. It must be POSTMARKED by November 7 AND received in Massachusetts by November 17 at 5pm (Massachusetts time). For more information, go to