New Jersey Voters - Contact Senate President Sweeney About Voting Rights for Overseas Voters

Support the Bill for All New Jersey Overseas Voters to Vote in State Elections

Democrats Abroad has gotten out the vote for every state in the nation, but this year most of our major battles are for state-level voting rights, particularly in New Jersey! Depending on what they fill out on their absentee ballot request, many overseas voters in New Jersey don't have the right to vote in state elections! They used to have it, before Chris Christie pushed through a change in the law in 2017.

This needs to change. Overseas voters are stakeholders in New Jersey government. State government is responsible for voter eligibility and voting procedures. State policies regarding climate change, education, net neutrality, and more affect us everywhere. New Jerseyan overseas voters deserve a voice at all levels of government, and State Senator Vin Gopal has introduced a bill, NJ S3761, to change that law back and enfranchise voters once again.

Thanks to DA members this bill has passed the Assembly! Now please help us to get this bill passed in the Senate.

Please call your NJ State Senator and ask them to cosponsor NJ S3761!

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Your State Senator! Ask them to Co-Sponsor S3761! LOOK UP LOOK UP


I'll do it!

Talking Points/Script:

  • Hi my name is --------    

  • I am a New Jersey voter, voting in ---------- County, and I currently live in [Current Country]   

  • I live overseas but I regularly vote by absentee ballot.    

  • (If asked for an address) Would you like my voting address?    
  • I'm calling to ask Senator -------- to support and co-sponsor Senate Bill S3761.

  • The bill allows overseas voters to vote in state elections even if there is uncertainty regarding their return. Many overseas voters check the box on their absentee ballot request, “return uncertain,” without knowing that they will lose their voting rights in New Jersey state and local elections by doing that. Whether US citizens have plans to return to New Jersey or not we are stakeholders in state government on many issues such as Climate Change, Net Neutrality, and of course, our voting rights.

  • We do have some protection under federal law, but, like most things, much is left up to the state. We formerly had the right to do so in 2017 and are looking to restore this voting right.     

  • The majority of states in our country believe that our voting rights should be taken with us when we move abroad. NJ is one of the small handful of states that denies us the right to vote, even though we are US citizens and have a stake in state government.      

  • I care about my state and my right to vote.

  • Thank you so much for your time.


Thank you for supporting voting rights for ALL New Jersey voters! If you have any questions, please email us at: [email protected]

And don't forget to request your ballot for 2021--just to go, click Start and follow the prompts to fill out and submit your Ballot Request form.

If you would like to make a donation, please click here!