We want to thank all of those who participated in our events in June in honor of LGBTQ+ Pride Month. The AAPI Caucus hosted a film discussion about Alice Wu’s movie The Half of It in conjunction with the LGBTQ+ and Youth Caucuses for the Virtual Pride Marathon. We interviewed Amy Sueyoshi and Stan Yogi, curators of the Seen and Unseen exhibit, which explores the intersection between Japanese and Queer identities prior to World War II. In case you missed the event, you can watch the recording of the event and read about it here.
In July, we will be speaking to Mingway Lee about his experience escaping the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, China. The event will take place on July 10th, 2021 at 6pm Berlin / 9am Vancouver.
We are looking for more volunteers in the Americas region. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders can make a difference in the upcoming midterm elections, and we need your help to reach them. If you or someone you know would like to get involved with the Global AAPI Caucus, please make sure to reach out to us at [email protected].
Best wishes,
Cory J. Lemke and Emily Lines
Seen & Unseen - Cultural Exhibit
On June 24th we had a fascinating online discussion with the Seen and Unseen exhibit curators, Dr. Sueyoshi and Mr. Yogi, about the development of the exhibition and its role in addressing the past and present struggles of queer and gender non-conforming Japanese Americans.
Call for Volunteers in the Americas region
Are you an AAPI or an AAPI ally in Canada, Mexico, Central America or South America? We want to hear from YOU!
We are looking for organizers, events people, and community leaders to reach more Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders in the Americas. Help us make your presence seen and heard! Please email us at [email protected] to find out more about our volunteer opportunities in your region.
Responding to Hate Crimes on a State Level
Last week, Stop AAPI Hate published a survey on state and local anti-Asian hate resolutions. Only 18 states and 49 of 3,073 (1.6%) counties have enacted resolutions opposing Asian hate.
►Find out more about how to take action in this news post by AAPI Caucus member Susan Takao.
July Events
Escaping Coronavirus: AAPI Caucus Speaks to Mingway Lee
Join us to speak with Mingway Lee about his experience during the COVID-19 crisis through a presentation of his drawings chronicling his evacuation to Travis Airforce Base, his stay under the first federally mandated quarantine in decades, and his eyewitness account of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City.
Saturday July 10, 2021
9am Vancouver / 12pm Washington, D.C. / 6pm Berlin
RSVP | Facebook
Meet & Greet, Podcasts & More with Germany AAPI!
Thursday, July 15, 2021
7pm CET
3 Idiots: South Asian Heritage Movie Night - Rescheduled!
Saturday, July 24, 2021
10:30am Washington DC / 4:30pm Berlin / 8pm Bangalore
Meet the AAPI Caucus Team
Susan Takao, AAPI Caucus "Events" & "Country Committee Guidelines" Working Groups Member:
"Greetings from Perth, Western Australia on the coast of the Indian Ocean.
I have been a member of Democrats Abroad since moving to Perth nearly 28 years ago from Santa Barbara, California. While I am not Asian-America, my husband is from Kyoto and my two children are proudly Japanese-American..." Read more about Susan
Sruthi Venkatraman, AAPI Caucus Events Working Group Member:
"Sruthi Venkatraman lives in Bangalore, India and votes in Washington. Inspired by The West Wing like many others, she took the plunge into the world of U.S. Politics from abroad last year and joined Democrats Abroad. As a member of the Events Working Group of the Global AAPI Caucus, she looks forward to exploring and representing the AAPI community's heritage and diversity." Read more about Sruthi