September 30, 2020

Help Get Out the Vote!

The elections are right around the corner, and here are some ways you can help us create a BLUE WAVE:

help get out the vote

  1. Stay informed by following us on social media (@DemsAbroadYouth)
  2. Reach out to others to help them register and request their ballots
  3. Hang up Vote From Abroad posters
  4. Train to be a phone banker (its' easy!)
  5. Then, join one of the many available phone banking outreach campaigns
  6. If you want to help but don't have much free time, consider making a donation here.
  7. Re-share informational posts to help others learn how to vote
  8. Create your own posts encouraging others to vote
  9. Attend Democrats Abroad Global Youth Caucus events to get excited about the elections (here's one coming up soon)
  10. Join other caucuses to get involved with other issues you care about 

Please contribute in any way you can—with your time, your voice, or with other resources. We can make a difference if we actively engage together.