June 05, 2022

THE LONG SHADOW - Watch the film here!

Our Chapter hosted its first hybrid Event April 23rd in Aix en Provence

Director Frances Causey has graciously given us a permanent access to view her film


The Long Shadow follows former CNN Senior Producer, TED contributor, and Emmy-Award winning Director Frances Causey as she traces her family’s legacy of white supremacy and privilege, investigating her own ancestor—a Founding Father whose critical role in the creation of American laws kept slavery and later the Black Codes and Jim Crow—a core element of American society for centuries to come.

Director Frances Causey and Producer Sally Holst passionately seek the hidden truth and the untold stories of how the United States of America—guided by the South’s powerful, racist political influence—steadily, deliberately and at times secretly, established white supremacy and privilege in our institutions, laws, culture and economy.

Our nation’s shameful past continues to impact every aspect of American life today but particularly in the African-American community which continues to pay a heavy price in their heroic struggle for equality.