Tuesday, February 08
Training Tuesdays with DA Germany
Join Democrats Abroad Germany on the second Tuesday of every month to polish your phone banking, voter assistance, and general GOTV skills!
During the first half of 2022, we will host Country Committees from all over the DA globe to share their tips and tricks with us.
We got the ball rolling on January 11 with phonebanking training for Texas, and will offer another phonebanking training on February 8. RSVP below!
Watch this space for further updates, and thanks for all you are doing to get out the vote in this crucial midterm election year.
Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 07:30 PM Berlin Time
Teresa Ritterhof, GOTV Coordinator
[email protected]
You must login as a member of Democrats Abroad to RSVP to this event.
If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, CLICK HERE TO LOGIN to get started.
If you are not a member, consider joining Democrats Abroad. CLICK HERE TO JOIN