We call on Americans around the world to stand vigil tonight against the hatred of white supremacists, to show solidarity with Americans who believe we are, all of us, equal.
As the great Martin Luther King Jr said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Love requires that all Americans consider where this hate thrives, that we work to tear our country free from its dark binds.
We ask you to stand with us as we continue to act to defend democracy. Join us in a vigil that will circle the globe tonight – a vigil of light against the hatred that has been fed and fostered by those who would lead.
Tomorrow we will continue our work to ensure democracy lives on.
Tonight, make a sign, take a picture of yourself, post it to your twitter or facebook page with the hashtags #DAresists #Charlottesville. Keep it on global settings so te world can see, or email your picture to us. This is a rolling action so post any time tonight.