This year we mark Women’s Equality Day not so much with celebration as with a sober assessment of the emergency we find ourselves in.
The reality is that American women have fewer rights today than they did decades ago. Gains made by generations of women are systematically being legislated away from us.
Right now, we have a narrow window of opportunity to turn the tide and stop the theft of our rights, our autonomy, and our dignity.
Women across the entire political, economic, and generational spectrum must set their differences aside and unite to use the power of our vote in numbers that will overwhelm the elaborate voter suppression blockade erected against us.
The Global Women’s Caucus is working hard to reach out to Americans around the world with this crucial message and have assembled this “Get out the Vote” toolkit with ideas on how each and every one of our members can help spread the word!
We stand on the shoulders of generations of women who marched, fought, and died for our rights. We will not let them down.
Ann Hesse, Chair, DA Global Women’s Caucus
If you just have a few minutes.
Actions to take on your own:
📧 Send a message to your friends and family to remind them about voting. Find sample messages here. | 🏫 Ask your stateside Alma Mater to help study abroad students Vote From Abroad. You can find an email template and more information here. |
🧑🤝🧑 Make sure your children who will be 18 on or by election day are registered to vote. | ✍️ Write a letter to the editor of your hometown paper. You can find information on writing letters to the editor here. |
📱 Be a Super-Sharer!
🛍️Download these materials that you can print out and circulate in your neighborhood or city.
📻 Send a message to your favorite podcast, YouTube show, radio show, Substack writer, etc., and ask them to mention/share with their followers. Sample text here. | DM your favorite Instagram/TikTok social media influencer and ask them to share with their followers. Sample text here |
Share a Vote From Abroad meme on social media and tag your overseas American friends and family. | 🪰 You can help amplify President Biden's accomplishments by using this easy-to-use app, Greenfly. Learn more here. |
Donate to help Democrats Abroad buy advertising to get out the vote | Donate to candidates and local women’s activist groups |
10 Ways to Help Elect Dems in 2022 Click here for 10 easy actions to take now - to elect Dems on Nov 8th! |
If you have more time to devote:
💙 Try Phone banking. You can only vote once, but calling our members multiplies your vote and amplifies your voice. More information here. |
💙 Help with Voter assistance. Sign up for Intercom/Voter assistance training here. |
💙 Help your local DA chapter with voter registration tables. |
💙 Hone your persuasive skills by educating yourself on the issues. Look at Framing tips and how to persuade red friends and family.
💙 Learn about what major Women’s Activist Organizations are doing. Check out: |
Reproductive Freedom - Messaging and Comms with Celinda Lake Event
Watch the Video from the event
The Midterms matter, and so does every vote. We can WIN with your help!
If you think of anything else or have some other references or links we should share, please contact [email protected]