February 21, 2017

Democrats Abroad Australia AGM 18 March Registrations

Register to attend the Democrats Abroad Australia Annual General Meeting
Saturday 18 March 2017 10:00am - 12:00pm AEDT (the local time in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra)

In person
North Sydney Community Centre, Wattle Room, 220 Miller St, North Sydney NSW 2060 (Google map and directions)

Free Webex call (access calling in via your computer)

The AGM is open to all US citizens who at the time of the AGM are registered as members of Democrats Abroad Australia.  We need your participation to help shape the priorities for DA Australia for the next 2 years and to help elect our national officers.


9:30am  Arrival in person or online

10:00am AGM
- The year in review
- Discussion of priority activities for 2017 and 2018
- Approval of revised DA Australia by-laws
- Q&A with Executive Committee candidates
- Election of national officers 

12:00pm Close of AGM; optional self-funded lunch at nearby venue for those attending in person.

Read the statements for Executive Committee national officer candidates.  Voting will take place at the AGM in person or via Webex.  (If you can't attend on 18 March you can submit an online absentee ballot).

Proposed changes to our by-laws include the creation of national Voting Representative(s) in case DA Australia membership ever exceeds 5,000. This will allow us to fully exercise the number of votes afforded to DA Australia for international DA meetings.  Other changes are revisions to deadline for when we hold our AGM. 

Registration is now open for U.S. citizens who are members of Democrats Abroad Australia.  (If you are not yet a member, join before registering). 


Democrats Abroad Australia encourages you to make a voluntary donation to help cover venue hire costs and build our 2018 Get out the Vote ad campaign to find and register more expat Americans.  Suggested amounts are $15, $25 or $50.  Donations can be made at the AGM or by direct deposit into the Democrats Abroad Australia bank account.  BSB: 032-007 Account #: 386555 Account name: Democrats Abroad Australia (DAA) Inc. (Please include your name in the reference field).

 We look forward to your participation!

The Democrats Abroad Australia Executive Committee