Thursday, November 25
Vienna, Austria
Thanksgiving Celebration in Vienna
Thanksgiving Dinner has been cancelled due to Covid!
This year we look forward to once again holding our Democrats Abroad Austria Thanksgiving celebration at the Melker Stiftskeller in 1010 Vienna on Thursday, November 25 from 6 to 9 pm. Because of the circumstances, it would help to know how many of you definitively plan to attend. Therefore, please RSVP by November 11. We will ask everyone who attends to provide proof of a covid vaccination and on a voluntary basis, a PCR/antigen test. The price is €28 for Thanksgiving dinner (drinks not included), vegetarians pay €24, and kids €12.
First course –
- Pumpkin Soup
Main course & Fixings (buffet style) –
- Roasted Turkey
- Gravy
- Aunt Sally's Stuffing (non-vegetarian)
- Vegan Loaf (vegan)
- Austrian Style Dumplings (vegetarian)
- Roasted Beets and Sweet Potatoes (vegetarian)
- Green Beans (vegetarian)
- Mashed Potatoes (vegetarian)
- Red Cabbage (vegetarian)
- Homemade Cranberry Sauce (vegetarian)
Desert –
- In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we ask people to bring a pumpkin or pecan pie or other dessert to share.
Thursday, November 25, 2021 at 06:00 PM Vienna Time
Melker Stiftskeller
Schottengasse 3
Vienna 1010
Google map and directions
Richard Miller
[email protected]