October 22, 2019

Activism from Abroad . . . an insider's guide

Do you live abroad?  Maybe you feel frustrated when you watch on TV the huge marches in the US, can't attend your Members of Congress' Town Halls, or hear friends talk about canvassing for a candidate?

To help fill that gap, DA France is rolling out a blog series called “Activism from Abroad.” It’s an insider's guide on how to engage in effective activism for those of us who live overseas.

Each post includes tools that you can use strategically to either Get Out the Vote (GOTV) or to hold your Members of Congress (MoC's) accountable, including:

✍️ Writing postcards and letters to voters 📮

📞 Phone Banking

📱 Texting out the Vote

🤖 Resistbot: Holding your elected officials accountable

🙋‍♀️Volunteering 🙋🏾‍♂️

So, no matter where you are in the world, you can be part of the massive, coordinated effort to win back the White House, flip the Senate, hold the House, and make our elected officials pay attention to us, their constituents!