An Amiable Heart to Heart
Hello Neighbor
come sit and rest for a minute
Take the load off your feet
I see you watching me lately
Hiding behind the hedges
Whispering behind closed doors
We both saw the news last night
While some reporter ranted
Again, about black on black crime
Have you seen any statistics
about white on white crime?
Cop shot a dude because he thought
Didn’t see anything threatening
But his expectations were pending
And needed justifying
Same old lame ass alibi
Like the stories of the homeless
That always sound so petty
Especially if they have addictions
The kids do not matter, do they?
Then we heard somewhat later
About the enormous amount of blacks
We do come in big boxes, don’t we?
Dying because of this new virus
Still the scapegoat for all the poor?
Why do we get minstrelled into every drama?
Does the black face draw more audiences?
Get more attention, more added thrills?
Does that mean yours does not?
Haven’t I been a good neighbor?
There is no mystification to my identity
You know me as well as you know yourself
I have been living next door to you
for four hundred years or more
So, what is the hype?
I work at the same office as you
I eat the same food as you do too
I am no threat to your existence
It is our neighborhood, isn’t it?
And it is time we act like it.
Thanks for the chat neighbor.
Give my regards to the family.
You all take care, you hear?
Camille Elaine Thomas
May 07, 2020
Elaine Thomas from Germany - Read Elaine's Bio
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