Ever seen a Catfish or a Carp



Ever seen a catfish or a carp flopping on the water-less grass.
Huffing and puffing for air for the water to be purified through
Their gills into their lungs.

Some men are like the catfish and the carp. Flopping in earthly zones
Beyond their reach.

Yet trying to lie on a fruitless surface made of stone and soil.
Constricted by their own failure to swim in waters far from the snares
Of the fisherman's hook.

As the hook tears into their mouth and holding on tight with only two
Ways to freedom. One by the hand of a gifted man. And the other by
Tearing the flesh and breaking free with excruciating pain.

Diving back into the water into freedom from the hook of man.
But- so many end up in a place of not returning to their former life's
Trail of their destiny.


(c) 2020 “Ever Seen A Catfish or Carp” by Paul S. Hickman - All Rights Reserved


Paul S. Hickman from Greece - Read Paul's Bio