Feeling Vulnerable Amidst the Chaos


This poem was written for Juneteenth 2020

We cross paths

Seeking untrodden solutions

dodging the disasters

permeating our communities

We shake hands

As is polite to do

Except during covid 19

Eyes attesting unspoken anxieties

Conversation stagnates

No news is still bad news

While the protest lingers

Still the innocent march

For the bodies that cannot

Breathe or walk or sleep

Bodies that still watch birds

Or demonstrate peacefully

With rubber bullets exploding

On limbs with no warning

Sudden flight seems desirable

But destinies are still pending

While the vultures circle

Preying on the defenseless

We cross paths

Knowing there is nothing left

But to keep the pace

And recharge the spirit

Along the way.


Camille Elaine Thomas, June 16, 2020


Elaine Thomas from Germany - Read Elaine's Bio

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