Recording and Slide Deck from January 22nd, 2022
View the slide deck (with lots of of resource links)
This event took place on January 22nd, 2022.
Join the next Progressive Caucus monthly members meeting Progress for Progressives on Feb 5th, 2022.
In July of 2020, presidential nominee, Joe Biden, and Senator Bernie Sanders announced their Unity Task Force recommendations for a Democratic presidency. Their bold plans to address the pressing needs of working-class families, combat climate change, and much more helped us win the presidency and Senate majority, as well as hold the House majority. We entered 2021 with high expectations!
As we begin 2022, many of our expectations remain unfulfilled. The scope of the Build Back Better Act has narrowed dramatically, remaining two votes short of passage. Existing filibuster rules stand in the way of passing the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Delivering victories for all three of these and more is crucial to millions of us and for Democratic electoral success in the midterms.
Join members of proDA to learn about and discuss the negotiations for all three bills, the prospects for their passage, and the consequences of further delay. We will advocate for action, urging all of us to intensify our efforts. Time is very short and so, too, is the patience of those whose needs are not being met!
CO-SPONSORS: DA Austria, DA Canada, DA Guadalajara, proDA Austria, proDA Germany, and proDAUK
Double your impact! A generous donor in Asia Pacific will match donations to DA through proDA’s donate page, up to a total of $2500. Donate to help inform and mobilize members around the world to support our unfinished business. The Fight for (at least) $15. Meaningful Medicare expansion. Tuition-free community college. Student debt relief. Reparative justice. Truly ambitious climate change mitigation. Federal Voting Rights legislation. And more. Will you donate today to help America build back even better? Please donate here. Thank you!