Dina Titus has dedicated her entire professional life to education and public service. She taught American and Nevada government classes at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for 34 years until her retirement in June 2011. She represented the people of Senate District 7 in the Nevada Legislature for 20 years, serving as the Democratic Minority Leader from 1993 to 2008.
Dina was first elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in November 2008. She currently serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee, in addition to Chairing the Americans Abroad Caucus. She also serves on the senior Whip team and is a member of the House Democracy Partnership and numerous issue caucuses including: Animal Protection Caucus; American Hellenic Israeli Alliance; Building Trades Caucus; LGBT Equality Caucus; General Aviation Caucus; Automotive; Hellenic Caucus; Marijuana Working Group; Pro-Choice Caucus; Public Lands Caucus; Public Works and Infrastructure Caucus; Nuclear Cleanup Caucus; RV Caucus; Taiwan Caucus; Travel and Tourism Caucus; Capital Girl Scout Troop; Victim's Rights Caucus; USO Caucus; U.S.-Japan Caucus; and US-Philippines Friendship Caucus. She is the co-chair of the I-11 Caucus.
During the course of her political career, Dina has focused on protecting those most vulnerable – children, seniors, and the disabled. A teacher herself, she has always made quality education for all a priority and has been a strong advocate for the arts. Dina has worked tirelessly on issues to protect our environment and its creatures, push renewable energy development, and create more sustainable communities.
Dina has received numerous awards from various organizations, but one of her proudest moments came in 2006 with the dedication of the Dina Titus Estates, an innovative affordable housing complex for persons with disabilities, in recognition of Dina's tireless advocacy.