ERA Status
1/12/2021 - House introduced ERA bill - MO HCR8 | BillTrack50
2021 State Legislature Session Dates
January 1 through May 30
What You Can Do
The first step is to contact your MO General Assembly members and ask them to co-sponsor the ERA bill in their chamber.
Not sure how or what to say when you reach out? There are several campaigns initiated by Democrats Abroad that can inspire you. You can find the list and details here.
You can also find the list of state legislature members along with their email, address and phone number here.
Don’t know your MO General Assembly members? Look them up here
Missouri ERA Groups
If you would like to keep up with the latest information, these are organizations that have emails about state ERA activities.
Articles about ERA in Missouri
Click here for a list of current articles about ERA.
DA Missouri ERA project coordinator
Jillian Mertsch in Belgium is our Missouri ERA coordinator.
You can contact her at [email protected].