ERA Resources
Most Americans assume that women have equal rights under the U.S. Constitution. Unfortunately, that is not true. We've pulled together some resources to help you learn about this important issue. We encourage you to share and discuss with your friends.
One of the first things you can do is to can watch this free 30-minute video Legalize Equality. Just click here for the link and password. This will give you an excellent overview of the status of ERA but also why it is so important to ratify it.
For more information, review our list of ERA resources click here.
Here are links with information about the Equal Rights Amendment.
- How to help
- Date each state ratified the ERA
- Status of equal rights in state constitutions
- Recent national articles about ERA
- Recent articles about ERA in the unratified states
- Videos created by DA members in support of ERA
- Who to contact in state legislature
- Who to contact in the U.S. Senate
- Who to contact in the U.S. House
- Free viewing of Legalize Equality 30-minute video
- 10 ways ERA could make a difference (ERA Coalition)
- Countries with gender equality in their constitutions (ERA Coalition)
- FAQs about misconceptions about ERA (VA Ratify ERA)
- Five Quotes on why we need the ERA now (Pride)
- FAQs on how women will benefit (National Organization for Women)
- Why ERA is relevant in the 21st century (Equal Rights Amendment Org)
- Why we need the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment Org)
- Why is the Equal Rights Amendment important (Project 28 MO)
- Top 10 reasons to oppose the ERA (Eagle Forum)