Message from DA Spain Chair and Vice-Chair
And you thought New Kids on the Block was a boy band
Greetings from your new DA Spain Chair and Vice-Chair! Although we are both relatively new to DA, we are both very happy to be involved in this great organization and committed to making the most of our time in office.
Here’s a bit of background. Daniel worked in public service for 34 years and worked in The US House of Representatives and USDA. Kathy is a retired lawyer and law professor who splits her time between Central Texas and southeastern Spain (specifically, Torrevieja, near Alicante). She’s also a murder mystery aficionado, wife, mom, and relatively recent grandmother.
Although we are very different people, we share a single, overriding goal for DA Spain: to elect Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections. We both believe that Biden’s victory in 2020 can lead to complacency on the part of Democratic voters. In the meantime, Republican voter suppression measures in several states will make it more difficult to elect Democrats to support and enhance Biden’s agenda.
Our team is rounded out by our recently elected secretary, Katharine Giery who hails from San Sebastian and Christina Samson of Madrid who is assuming the role of treasurer that she previously held in her home chapter.
Next week we will be joined by our newly elected Voting Reps Jo-Angela Touza Medina of Vigo, Laura Rostowfske and Chris Reilly of Barcelona and Jim Mercereau of Madrid as we attend the virtual Global Annual Meeting in the Asian time zone. Meeting start time is 3AM our time. We will be voting for the new leadership of Democrats Abroad Global and a series of Resolutions and By-Law changes. We will be drinking a lot of coffee.
So thank you for entrusting these offices to us. We’re hoping to make you proud in the coming months. And please contact us if you have ideas or feedback! Our inboxes are always open.
Daniel James: [email protected]
Kathy Tullos: [email protected]
Calls to Action
NJ Voters please contact your state legislators. Former Gov. Christie had the voting regulations changed to make it more difficult for overseas voters to participate in local elections. We are also trying to make permanent the temporary change for the pandemic which allowed the FPCA ballot request to be returned by email, rather than postal mail which is currently the regulation.
With the 300+ bills that have been introduced in Republican controlled state legislatures to make it more difficult to vote please consider calling your Senator to let them know it is important to support US SB-1 which is to protect voting rights of all Americans. The House did its job and now it is the Senate's turn to negate these undemocratic laws. If you vote in WV or AZ please be sure to contact Senators Manchin and Sinema who are iffy on getting rid of the Jim Crow era filibuster rule.
Senator Gillibrand has been a good friend to Democrats Abroad for many years and could really use our support for legislation - now called The Military Justice Improvement and Increased Prevention Act (MJI-IPA). At this very moment, we have the opportunity to help push the legistation over the finish line! Please consider adding your voice to the call to finally provide protection for the brave people who protect us all. Read more and take action
DA Spain Women’s Caucus (SWC) Says Hola!
DA Spain is happy to announce that it includes a Women’s Caucus. Doris Stanger of Barcelona has kindly offered to serve as the group’s first leader.
The Caucus only came into being this Spring, but it has already held its first virtual event. On April 29th, several members met to discuss various topics of interest, including vaccinations for Americans in Spain. The discussion was lively and enjoyable. The SWC gathered information about the vaccine, which included communications from the US embassy and steps on how to register for the shot. Read more
Not already a caucus member? Simply join the GWC caucus and you automatically become a Spain member. To get involved, fill out the Volunteer Information Form.
Be a committer and join a committee! New volunteer opportunities – DA Spain committees forming
DA Spain has experienced substantial growth over the last few years and needs to grow its infrastructure as a result. The national Executive Committee is therefore considering proposals to create the following committees: bylaws revision, communications, finance and fundraising, get out the vote and outreach, and training and onboarding. Each committee has vital work to do and needs volunteers. If you’d like to learn more or to volunteer, DAS Committee Volunteer Interest Form
Primary season in the USA approaches |
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, and Washington will hold primary elections between now and early August. If you vote in these states, please educate yourself about the races involved and arrange to vote. Check out - State Voting Guide and FAQs to look up your state’s primary and general election deadlines, as well as its submission rules, find your local election officials, and stay on top of voting in this year’s elections. If you have a question that is not answered in the FAQs, please reach out to our Voter Help Desk.
LGBTQ+ Pride month in the United States commemorates the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. Many pride events are held during June to remember the birth of the movement and recognize the impact LGBTQ+ people have had and the struggles they still face in the world.
The Global LGBTQ+ Caucus is planning a marathon of LGBTQ+ events on June 20th that will include speakers, music, films, poetry, drag, games, and more. All DA members - LGBTQ+ and allies - are encouraged to join. We are doing a call for events, speakers and performances to make this an inspiring and special day.
To learn more and get involved:
- Take a moment to fill in the DA LGBTQ+ Caucus Pride Survey
- Join us for the Global Virtual Pride Marathon 2021 RSVP here
- Keep an eye out for more June events
Chapter and Verse
BarcelonaBallots have been sent out by email for the Barcelona Chapter Election. All voting will be done by returning the online ballot you received in your email. on or before 4 p.m. Saturday, May 15. All chapter members are urged attend the Annual General Meeting on May 15th 4:30-5:30 p.m. RSVP to receive the Zoom link. We need a quorum so please participate. Barcelona continues its Get Out The Vote Tuesdays which are now called "La Lucha Continua” and are held twice a month. If you would like to be added to their mailing list please drop a note to [email protected] or message them on Signal at Democrats Abroad Barcelona. The chapter also will hold its Book Club meeting on May 30 to discuss Lead from the Outside by Stacey Abrams. RSVP here. |
MadridMadrid will hold its Annual General Meeting at 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 15. The topic of this year’s virtual meeting meeting will be a review of the 100 Days of Biden. Ballots have been emailed to all chapter members. You can vote online by completing the form and pressing send, but do it by 11:50 a.m. as that is when the polls will close. We need a quorum to convene the meeting so please request your Zoom link here. Madrid is on track to hold its traditional annual July 4th Picnic in the Retiro during that weekend. Please watch out for more information in the coming weeks. |
ValenciaElections were held on April 3rd. We welcome the newly elected leadership team of John Poirier and Leah Fuhr as chair and vice chair. The secretary is Sarah Boccard and Dana Philen is the treasurer. Many thanks to the outgoing chair Georgie Grossman and her team who organized a successful AGM. The chapter is actively engaged in the planning of fundraising events and the creation of an Instagram account. |
AlicanteMay 1st officially kicked off DA Alicante's Chapter election. Recruitment for all Executive Committee positions begins. If any chapter member has an interest in running for the Executive Committee all applications need to be submitted by May 26th at midnight. Please check your emails from DA Alicante for the candidate application or go to our website or FB page. May 29th election ballots will be sent out. Ballots need to be returned by 11am on June 12th. June 12th at 1p.m. DAA - We will hold our Annual General Meeting(AGM). Election results will be announced along with a chapter update. Read more about Alicante's elections ********** If anyone has an interest in being part of this ground breaking caucus please contact your Executive Committee at [email protected]. A great way to...
Spain Fun Fact
There are 44 UNESCO World Heritage sites in Spain. Only Italy and China have more.