Keep New Jersey Blue - VOTE in the November 2, 2021 Election!
We’re counting on you to help keep New Jersey blue this Fall! New Jersey state elections for Governor, Lt. Governor, State Senate, and State Assembly take place on November 2, 2021.
Information for voting is available English version here and Spanish version here and includes details on how to:
Register to vote and request your ballot; including deadlines
- Go to and follow the prompts to fill out the form to request your ballot using the Federal Post Card Application form (FPCA)
- Eligibility and possible tax liability to vote in the state election - Please support pending bill NJ S3761
- Fill out the Ballot and returning your ballot (email recommended)
- Confirm your Ballot was accepted
GOTV phone banking starts September 22 and goes through October 2, 2021. This campaign focuses on the upcoming NJ State Elections. And asks NJ voters to contact their state senators to cosponsor a pending bill, NJ S3761.
Thank you in advance to the Phone Bankers making calls to NJ members! Phone banking works. In the recent campaign for the California Recall, 70% of the California members called, answered. And look at how that turned out.
Interested becoming a phone bank volunteer? Find information and training materials at
If you're not a NJ voter, please share this information with people you know who are NJ voters, even if they reside back in the US.