Get Your Next Steps to Take Action
You can send in petitions today to support two constitutional amendments that are close to getting on the ballot! They will reverse some of the worst aspects of Florida’s state government's actions and inactions:
“Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion” is the campaign now working in Florida to reverse the cynical and cruel 6 week abortion ban signed by Governor DeSantis last spring. Not only will this effectively deny girls and women in Florida access to abortion, but it will also close off women from many Southern states with similar or more onerous bans. Note the abortion ban is currently suspended while a case is being considered in the Florida Supreme Court. The decision is expected imminently.
- The “Floridians Protecting Freedom campaign has been working since June to collect the 891,000 signed petitions required to get the amendment and has over 600,000 already submitted. Polling shows a majority of Floridians are pro-choice so supporters are optimistic this will pass.
- To get your petition, go to, print it, sign it with the signature you have used to register to vote, put in the county where you vote, and send it to the address on the form. The campaign deadline to vet all petitions in December 31, 2023.
“Right to Clean and Healthy Waters” - this constitutional amendment is designed to give citizens the right to clean and healthy waters and entitles them to sue state agencies that violate this right. For too long Florida’s government has failed to stop pollution with devastating results for Florida’s lakes, rivers and coastal areas. More information and the petition can be found on the campaign’s website: As above, print it, sign it with signature you used to register to vote, put in the county where you vote and send it to the campaign address on the form.
Take action and send in a petition NOW! How?