January 24, 2021

Welcome to our new Executive Commitee!

At our AGM Sunday, January 24, Democrats Abroad Vancouver elected new leadership for the 2021-2023 board term. We're excited to keep up the momentum of the last four years with such a talented board to lead the way. Please join me in welcoming our new executive committee:

​What's next? 
  • Pixels, Pints & Politics: Sunday, Feb 21​ – RSVP Now
  • ​Board of Directors: Transition Conversations + Annual Planning
  • ​Call for Volunteers: If you're interested in spending more time with us, please fill out this Google Form​
​Thank you all for getting us to where we are today (A Biden Presidency!), we look forward to doing the work to keep the House and Senate. 
Democratically yours, 
Jennifer Phillips​
​Chair, Democrats Abroad Vancouver​