Tuesday, March 03

Vienna, Austria

Global Presidential Primary

Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary will run from March 3 to March 10, 2020. As an official arm of the Democratic Party, DA members will be able to vote for their choice for presidential nominee and send 21 delegates to the Democratic Convention in Milwaukee in July. 

Austria will have a voting center at:

Frank's American Bar & Restaurant 

Laurenzerberg 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Tuesday, March 3 from 4pm to 8pm

Saturday, March 7 from 12pm to 7pm

We will also be arranging Voter Assistance Events in other Austrian cities, and of course it will also be possible to vote remotely! 

  • Primary Voters must meet the following criteria to vote:

    • Be abroad and be a U.S. Citizen

    • Be a member of Democrats Abroad

    • Be 18 as of November 3, 2020

    • Not have voted, nor plan to vote, in any other 2020 state presidential primary

  • Democrats Abroad allows same day registration for voters participating in the Global Presidential Primary

  • Help shorten your voting time! Current DA Austria Members will receive a pre-registration form by email. Please fill it out by 6pm Friday, February 28, 2020 in order that you can pick up your ballot directly.

Voters abroad may also vote by downloading a ballot and emailing or postal mailing it to Democrats Abroad Austria starting February 18, 2020. Ballots must be received by DA prior to 12:00 am Pacific Standard Time on March 11, 2020. Mail your ballot to:

Democrats Abroad Austria

Postfach #2020

1051 Vienna, Austria


Remember - you can vote in ONE presidential primary, either the Global Presidential Primary or your state’s presidential primary. If you do vote in the Global Presidential Primary and want to participate in your state's primary, only vote in down ballot races such as US Senate, US House and any state and local offices on the ballot.


Tuesday, March 03, 2020 at 04:00 PM Vienna Time


Frank's American Bar & Restaurant 
Laurenzerberg 2
Vienna 1010
Google map and directions


Jennifer Rakow-Stepper
[email protected]

12 RSVPs