Using PayPal? then please click here.
You will be redirected to our ActBlue donation page - don't worry, we'll still know you donated!

What to expect during the summit: 

  • Kick-Off Juneteenth Celebration Weeks
  • Voter Registration Booth
  • Voter Assistance Training
  • Phonebanking Training 
  • Communications Training
  • Postcard Writing
  • Tax Seminar
  • Ballot Bingo (with great prizes) 
  • WhyIVote Video Booth
  • Community Building
  • One-on-One Meeting Your Leadership
  • Entertainment And Speeches 
  • Kids corner 
  • Delicious Food And Drinks and Simply A Great Time Meeting Members From All Around Switzerland!

Tickets are priced at $ 50, which includes all mentioned above, and go entirely into the GBC Fundraising Pot! Kids are of course free of charge. If the ticket price exceeds your budget, please don’t hesitate to reach out. There is a solution for everything. 


donation .



  1. I am a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien.
  2. This contribution is not made from the general treasury funds of a corporation, labor organization, or national bank.
  3. This contribution is not made from the treasury of a person or entity that is a federal contractor.
  4. The funds I am contributing are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  5. I am at least 18 years old and the funds I am contributing are my own personal funds and I am contributing these funds knowingly and voluntarily.
  6. I agree and consent that my personal information as provided above will be maintained in accordance with Democrats Abroad Privacy Policy and may be shared with the United States Federal Election Commission (FEC) and/or relevant state election agency in order to comply with campaign finance law and acknowledge that, if so shared, this information may be publicly available. In such case, data subject rights, such as the right to erasure, would not apply; to find out more, please refer to the FEC website before making a donation.
  7. I have not exceeded the maximum annual donation of $41,300 in aggregate to Democrats Abroad (DPCA) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Please select an amount