You can represent progressive voices as a delegate for Democrats Abroad. There are 4 spots for Biden delegates and 9 spots for Sanders delegates. There are also positions on the Rules and Platform Committees. Your 150 word candidate statement will be forwarded by DA to the campaigns who will vet the lists, so target your message to the campaigns in order to be included.
You may run as a Regional and/or Global Delegate. The Regional Conventions will be May 16/17 and the Global Convention June 6/7. All conventions are online, so no travel expense.
DA members from historically marginalized groups are encouraged to run as delegates: Women, African American, Hispanic American/Latinx, Native American, Asian American, and Pacific Islander, LGBT, Persons with Disabilities, and Youth (Under 36). More information here from DA’s Affirmative Action Team and a recording of experiences of past DA delegates.
Again, the DEADLINES are:
Delegate Candidate nomination form must be returned by Friday, April 17. Info here and a recorded session here, as well as a helpful slide deck here.
DNC Member Candidate nomination form must be returned by Monday, April 20. Information about running to become a Democrats Abroad DNC member.
Questions? Please email [email protected]