The Loneliness, Loss and Regret: what getting old really feels like – new study (UK, September 2021)
Paula had not been living in her retirement apartment for very long when I arrived for our interview. She welcomed me into a modern, comfortable home. We sat in the living room, taking in the impressive view from her balcony and our conversation unfolded.
Paula, 72, told me how four years ago she’d lost her husband. She had been his carer for over ten years, as he slowly declined from a degenerative condition. Read more…
This health care practice robs many seniors of vitality and life in their twilight years
“Doctor, what did they do to him? Dad just doesn’t look the same. Please help him!”
Of all the overnight admissions to the hospital, he looks the worst and the daughter’s cry pierces our heart.
A year ago, a prolonged surgery and trips back to theatre to battle the complications affected his memory … Read more…
Why so many elderly in China are unvaccinated
For weeks the authorities in Shanghai tried to stem an outbreak of covid-19 with a whack-a-mole approach. Individual buildings were locked down, only for the virus to spread elsewhere. Finally, on March 28th, officials decided to lock down all of the city’s 25m residents in two phases, beginning with the east side of town, home to the main financial centre. Read more…