April 27, 2023

Chair's Corner - 2023

A Happy New Year to you all. It has been a year since we formed the Seniors Caucus, and we continue to work in DA on Senior issues.

You should know that HR.82 The Social Security Fairness Act, a bill that would fully repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) was reintroduced in this Congress. 

“HR.82 currently has 10 co-sponsors. The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) will work throughout the 118th Congress to increase the number of co-sponsors and to advance the legislation. Even with the turnover of lawmakers from the 117th Congress, 243 former co-sponsors remain, providing a clear path to adding co-sponsors early. Ask your representative to co-sponsor HR.82 today.”  

We look forward to a busy year working on the elimination of WEP, trying to expand Medicare, and getting out the vote for all Seniors who are members of DA. Also, this year please think about getting involved in our Caucus. We always need volunteers and input from our caucus members. If you are interested in helping us, please contact us by email: [email protected]. 

— Betsy Ettorre, Chair of the Seniors Caucus