Saturday, March 09

Zurich, Switzerland

DACH Zurich Global Presidential Primary 2024

Join your fellow Democrats at the American Women's Club of Zurich for the Global Presidential Primary, your opportunity to vote for a presidential candidate with the Democratic Party Committee Abroad. Democrats Abroad sends our own delegates to the Democratic Convention, and you can vote to support your preferred candidate this March 9th!

Simply come to the American Women's Club of Zurich from 12 PM-4 PM and vote in person, or download your ballot and email it back to us. Your voice and vote in the Global Primary show the presidential candidates, Congress, and the DNC that Democrats Abroad is here to make a difference! From issues like taxation, immigration, healthcare, and beyond, our votes matter.

Please note: This is only a presidential primary, and to vote in your local primary races (from U.S. Senate to municipal offices in some cases), you can request an absentee ballot from your state. If you vote in a local primary, leave the choice for presidential nominee blank so that you can vote in the GPP. You are not allowed to vote for a presidential candidate twice!


Saturday, March 09, 2024 at 12:00 PM Bern Time


American Women's Club of Zurich
Höschgasse 38
Zurich, ZH 8008
Google map and directions


Joe Amato
[email protected]