The DA France Election Board is pleased to announce the candidates for the DAF national leadership!
As a reminder, the 2023 National Election and Annual General Meeting will take place on April 1, 2023 starting at 1PM. Click here to RSVP and register to vote at the April 1st meeting.
All members of Democrats Abroad France will have the option to vote early or absentee. This online ballot will be sent out via email 7 to 10 days prior to the election on April 1.
Missed the Candidate Meet & Greet? View the replay here.
Candidate(s) for National Chair
It has been my honor to serve as DA France National Chair since 2021 and to lead our extraordinary teams of volunteers through the 2022 midterms. I’m dedicated to furthering the work we’ve done and increasing our impact in the crucial elections of 2024.
Together with our leaders, I’ve been working to expand and energize our volunteer teams and membership base, diversify our events, extend our reach into new areas of France, and organize our powerful GOTV machine. We’ve added 5 nascent subchapters in the past 2 years and I’ll continue to prioritize this effort. I’ll keep scouting new talent, encouraging new voices and training a new generation of leaders. I’m committed to making DAF even more inclusive, welcoming and diverse.
The role of National leadership is to provide the support and resources necessary for our Chapters and Caucuses to flourish, because it’s on their grassroots level that we attract members, create community, and reach voters. I’ll continue to improve our structures and practices to make our organization even more effective.
Because we must be effective! In 2024’s critical elections, in our ongoing struggle against our country’s reactionary forces, and in our long term fight for sanity, solidarity and justice.
Email: [email protected]
Candidate(s) for First Vice Chair
In 2018, political scientist Eitan Hersh asked a representative sample of Americans about their political engagement. One-third said they spend at least two hours per day on political activities. Talk radio, podcasts, TV news, and social media occupied nearly all this time; meetings like this AGM, virtually none. Few of these hardcore politicos did any political work with a campaign, party, union, or community group. (Of those who did do work, two-thirds were women.)
For Americans living abroad, it is even harder to get involved. My mission is to make this essential work of civic engagement—voting, issue advocacy, and campaign volunteering—accessible for all Americans in France, no matter their location. As Database/IT Manager from 2019-2021, I added many tools to DA France's digital organizing toolkit, like peer-to-peer texting, state voter files, and voter-help hotlines. Since being appointed First Vice-Chair in 2021, I have worked with our Caucuses to reach more Americans in France where they are and connect them to avenues for civic engagement, not just with new tools but with better organization and more grassroots reach. A strong supporter of Our Revolution France, I hope to continue using our voice in DA to advocate for effective practices and progressive policies.
Email: [email protected]
Candidate(s) for Second Vice Chair
Susan Debra Leisner FITOUSSI
I am from Los Angeles California.
I left California when I was 24 and have lived abroad since.
I joined Democrats Abroad in 2008. I was fascinated by the organization, and after I became Chair for my chapter I got to know the members of DA France via monthly Webex and Zoom meetings and regional meetings.
This year I choose to run for the role of 2nd Vice Chair (Chapter liaison)
I have had 4 years of experience being Chair for my local chapter, have attended National and Regional Events, local chapter Events, monthly chapter calls and many office hours (especially during the pandemic) and have co organized many events for my chapter and more.
I am concerned about the well-being of some of the chapters that have a hard time finding members who will volunteer and help them keep their chapters alive. We are all volunteers who want to do what we can to make Democrats Abroad a success.
As 2nd Vice Chair I would do my best to help Chapter Chairs reach out to their possible sub chapter members and define the duties involved.
I hope that you will feel good giving me your Vote!
Candidate(s) for Secretary
Ada SHEN (F)
Salut! I'm Ada Shen (she/her), and I am running for National Secretary of DA France. I have served previously on the France National Executive Committee in various capacities over the past five years, including as National GOTV Officer, National Database/IT Officer, and as DA France National Chair (2019-2021). I am familiar and committed to fulfilling the responsibilities of National Secretary as required by the Bylaws (section 4.3.3), and look forward to serving on the National Officer team in supporting our leaders, our volunteers, and our members in this capacity. Furthermore, as Secretary and an ExCom member, I will be an advocate for the good governance and processes necessary to the interests of the institution and members of Democrats Abroad France — this is our mechanism, in France, for making change in US Democratic politics and what we do, and how we do it, makes a difference. I thank you for your consideration and ask for your vote.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for me as National Secretary: [email protected]. Merci!
Candidate(s) for Treasurer
Marjorie BERNSTEIN (F)
During the past two years, I have had the honor to be your Treasurer. I submit my candidacy to continue to serve Democrats Abroad France as Treasurer, and to carry out the responsibilities of that position with diligence, perseverance, and diplomacy.
My professional and personal background helps me fulfill this role. I came to Paris 45 years ago on a “one-year” assignment as Computer Project Manager for Xerox.
I have a Mathematics degree from the University of Pittsburgh. I worked with multi-national, multi-cultural teams across several countries. I strive to find grounds of agreement when differences block communication. Thanks to my scientific
background, I can explain complex matters in logical, easy-to-understand terms. Everyone has something to offer and must be heard. We’d all benefit from that state of mind, no matter what challenges face us.
I was a fervent volunteer for McGovern in 1972. My three sons, all Democrats (who VOTE!) were born in Paris. I’ve instilled my political passion in them and love to spread it around.
Democrats Abroad has an essential role in uniting, educating, and motivating American citizens about issues that affect our lives and those of future generations in the US and around the world.
I offer my qualities of thoroughness and enthusiasm to serve Democrats Abroad France as Treasurer.
Email: [email protected]
Candidate(s) for Counsel
Joseph VOELKER (M)
I would be proud to put my legal background into use for DAF by serving as Counsel. I trained as a lawyer and have been a managing editor for what is now Bloomberg BNA, reporting on legal developments in Washington. In recent years, I was Director of Marketing, Communications and Development for a UK-based educational institution.
Having previously been a member of DAUK, I joined DA France shortly after moving to Nice with my husband at the end of 2014. I have served on the DAF Riviera Chapter executive committee since 2015 as variously: member-at-large, treasurer, secretary, and chairperson. I have also been on the LGBT+ Caucus.
As a life-long Democrat, I volunteered for the 1993 presidential campaign and for various state and local campaigns in Virginia. I enjoy a good political discussion and debate, but believe that we, Democrats, must work together constructively to take back control of government in the United States at local, state, and federal levels.
Candidate(s) for Database/IT Manager
Alejandra ROMAN (F)
I graduated from Boston University in 2006 with a double B.A. in Environmental Policy and Analysis and in Hispanic Language and Literature. In 2009 I graduated from an MSc program in Environmental Science, Policy and Management from Central European University and Manchester University. I have been living in Toulouse since October 2020.
I believe in the power of voting and since living abroad have realized how crucial it is to maintain overseas voters engaged so that America continues to represent all our values.
I first became involved with Democrats Abroad in 2018, while living in Mexico City. I became the chapter’s Membership Chair where my primary responsibilities included managing the database, assisting with communications, and aiding GOTV efforts leading up to the 2020 elections.
My experience with DA over the years has provided me with a basis of the institutional knowledge of the organization as well as some fresh perspectives I hope to bring to the table. My familiarity and fluency with Nation Builder as well as other technology platforms will allow me to effectively execute the tasks of Database and IT Manager Officer.
Email: [email protected]
Candidate(s) for GOTV Officer
Sarah KASHA (F)
Since returning to France in 2020, I have been volunteering to register voters with the DAF Paris Youth Caucus. This last midterm cycle, in addition to registering voters at the Fondation des États-Unis and the American University of Paris, I helped organize the first tabling event at NYU. As a certified voting assistance officer, I have also had the pleasure of training new volunteers of all ages and levels of experience.
As GOTV Officer, I hope to use my experience with the Paris Youth Caucus to support robust GOTV efforts throughout France and help local GOTV Officers prepare to make the greatest impact in 2024.
Thank you for your consideration.
Candidate(s) for Communications Coordinator
My name is Amy Porter, and I’m running for a second term as National Communications Officer. A life-long Democrat and Florida voter, I have been living in France since 1987. In my former professional life, I served as Marketing / Communications Director at technology companies and PR agencies and ran my own executive consulting company for 7 years.
In my current role as Communications Officer, I curate the content for our daily posts on three social media platforms and have the privilege of working with our wonderful social media team. The Comms team also includes a user engagement manager and a graphic designer. Additionally, I coordinate the national media team and have trained a diverse group of 20 media spokespeople from around the country, and we are in the process of creating a media outreach program to further increase our presence on the airwaves.
If re-elected as Communications Officer, I will continue to focus our communications efforts on energizing and mobilizing our members to vote; encouraging non-members to vote and join DA, and will continue to work with the chapters and caucuses in support of their local communications efforts.
Email: [email protected]
Candidate(s) for Issues, Programs & Events Coordinator
No candidate(s)
Candidate(s) for Membership Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator
Horace SMALL (M)
This is what it’s all about!
4 years ago, we spoke of 2020 as the most important election in our lives.
4 years later, we are once again in a fight for the decency and soul of the
country of our birth.
It is critical that we as Democrats here in France do our part to make sure we
retain the White House and the congress from the right-wing psychopaths
determined to see anarchy and fascism become the new American normal.
I am highly qualified for this position.
4 years ago, I headed BlackBallotPower, a national organization that was
instrumental in helping win the 2020 presidential election.
I have been a professional organizer for more than 50 years and am recognized
as one of America’s best organizers. In my work, I understand and know just
how critical training, recruiting and developing volunteers is to win, be it issues
or political campaigns.
As the volunteer coordinator, I will work intensely with each chapter in
developing to be more effective and efficient in organizing and
mobilization. We must do our part…together it can happen. Our choices are
either democracy or fascism.
It’s about 2024.
Candidate(s) for Voting Representative (9 to be elected)
Charles AIDINOFF (M)
My name is Charlie Aidinoff and I ask for your vote for DPCA Voting Representative. I have spent the past decade working on campaigns and in government for progressive democratic candidates and causes. Prior to my wife and I moving to Paris last year with our dog Raf, I worked in the New York City Mayor’s Office coordinating the work with local elected officials on legislative issues. I have a deep understanding of NY city and state legislative politics, and expertise in different policy areas that will translate well in support of Democrats Abroad as it works to advance the interests of all Americans, and of Americans abroad.
As a young Democrat, I understand the importance of representing DA France in matters of governance and policy related to the global Democrats Abroad organization, and will advocate for the breadth and diversity that I see in our community abroad as we prepare for 2024. I would be honored to serve and to help advance the issues that will define the next generation in our party -- ending gun violence, tackling climate change, ensuring gender equity, codifying the right to abortion, healthcare for all, and creating an economy that works for all.
I’m running for DPCA Voting Representative. I have just had the honor of being elected as the DAF-Paris Chapter Communications Coordinator 2023-2025.
In my day job, I am the Communications Director at The Consumer Goods Forum, a membership organization representing manufacturers and retailers globally on topics relating to sustainability, human rights, health and wellness, and food safety. I also teach part-time at ISCOM, École Supérieure de Communication et de Publicité.
Born and educated in the USA, I’ve lived in Europe since 2000, and currently reside in Saint Cloud (92) with my French husband and our bi-national daughter. I vote in the 1st District of Nevada.
I’m a lifelong Democrat: I voted for the first time in 1992 for President Clinton, Senators Boxer and Feinstein, and Representative Eshoo. I’ve voted in every election since as an overseas voter. I care deeply about women’s rights, social programs, LBGTQ+ rights, racial equity, and protecting our planet. I am also keenly aware of the special challenges that US Citizens Abroad have in engaging with the US Government and accessing services.
I'm Kate Barrett (she/her). Originally from Seattle and now a voter in WA-08, I have been a DA France member since 2016. In 2019, after 3 years as an activist with Indivisibles France, I joined the newly formed Paris Chapter Executive Committee as our first Secretary; I have since served as chapter Vice Chair since 2021. I have also appeared on various national news outlets as a DAF spokesperson, most notably during the 2020 General.
It is a pleasure and an honor to work with Americans from all walks of life to pursue our mission of creating a dynamic, inclusive chapter that reflects the identities and concerns of ALL our members; being in my early 30s, I attach particular importance to engaging, and engaging with, younger voters. Whether at our monthly social mixers, at speaker events or at GOTV help sessions, I am always amazed by our members' energy and commitment, both to one another and to our democracy.
This spirit is what inspires me to continue working on behalf of DA France, and to submit my candidacy for DPCA Voting Representative. If elected, I pledge to faithfully and tenaciously represent DAF's interests at the Global level.
Marjorie BERNSTEIN (F)
I have had the honor and privilege to serve you as DAF Voting Representative. I always kept my cool and often kept my smile. I love to research the issues, charter amendments and resolutions. I don’t stop until I've understood all the pros/cons and I cast a vote in the best interests of DAF.
I participated in DPCA meetings online. I did not have the financial means to attend in person, nor the freedom to travel due to family responsibilities. I WAS THERE, night and day! When the roll call began in Tokyo, I proudly responded 'PRESENT' at 3 AM from France.
You can count on me again, to be present, non-stop, for all the upcoming DPCA meetings including in April and June.
I came to Paris 45 years ago as a Computer Project Manager. I have a mathematics degree from the University of Pittsburgh. I have three sons, born in Paris, attended French schools, all three are DEMOCRATS, and VOTE! SI NON, EN GARDE!
I have served you as your Secretary and your Treasurer. I offer my qualities of thoroughness, dedication, enthusiasm, AND FRIENDLY PERSUASION and ask for your vote as National Voting Representative.
Email: [email protected]
Connie BORDE (F)
I am submitting my name as a candidate for Voting Representative for DAF for the term of 2023-2025. Having served on the DAF Executive Committee since 1989 as Chair, Vice Chair and various other functions (Events Coordinator, Women’s Caucus Chair), I feel I have the qualifications necessary to understand the workings of Democrats Abroad France and its place within the Global organization of Democrats Abroad.
I have also served two 4-year terms as Democrats Abroad Representative within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
I was previously Voting Rep from 2021-2023 and would be honored to dedicate my services for a second term in this position. I am greatly committed to Democrats Abroad France and would do my utmost to assure its best representation within the global picture.
Thank you for considering my candidacy.
Juan CERDA (M)
Hi, I'm Juan Cerda, running for re-election as a DPCA Voting Representative of France.
I've chaired the Paris Chapter for the past two years, focusing on building a strong and active community. As your voting representative of France, I'll vote for our shared progressive values and support international leadership that prioritizes transparency, good governance, and our interests.
By staying united and focused on our Democrats Abroad mission of getting out the vote, we can achieve a Democratic victory in 2024!
I would be honored to serve as your representative again and hope to have your vote.
Leadership Roles I've Served in:
- Chair of the Paris Chapter 2021-DPCA
- Voting Representative for France
- Democrats Abroad Austria Vice-Chair 2019-2021
- Co-Founder of Democrats Abroad Solidarity Sundays
- Delegate for President Joe Biden
- Former Member of Democrats Abroad Diversity & Inclusion Committee
- Former Global Democrats Abroad LGBTQ+ Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
James (Jim) COHEN (M)
I am running for the position of Voting Representative because it is the best way I can think of to contribute to the efforts of Democrats Abroad France with the skills and knowledge I possess. In the past I have been active in anti-war movements of U.S. citizens abroad (1991, 2002-2008) in association with Democrats Abroad France. I have been a temporary coordinator of the First Tuesday dinner speaking event (circa 2006), a speaker or panel member in numerous other events, and an occasional contributor to activities of the Diversity Caucus. Since 2016 I have felt the urgency of mobilizing to fight the serious authoritarian threat in our country. I believe that my experience in following a range of different policy issues, both as a researcher and as a concerned citizen, can be of help to Democrats Abroad and I relish the opportunity to be of service.
I was born in Massachusetts in 1954 and have voted in that state since 1972. I have resided in France since 1977. I have been a professor at the Sorbonne Nouvelle since 2011 and a teacher-researcher in the French university system, in political science and U.S. and Latin American studies, since 1986.
View Jim's video statement here.
Marnie DELANEY (F)
I’ve been an active member of Democrats Abroad for 4 years, since arriving in rural Provence, and previously served as Marseille Chapter Secretary.
I’m proud of being a founding member of the Global Senior Caucus and the Global Disability Caucus - which I Chair (I have disabilities myself). I joined the Medicare Portability Task Force at its conception.
As a survivor of violence, I organized the Global Women’s Caucus Violence Against Women initiative, working with the Global VMF Caucus on Senator Gillibrand’s successful campaign to improve the military justice system.
I’m also a member of the DA Affirmative Action Committee, as diverse leadership is vital to ensuring broad perspective, creative solutions and full participation.
Born in Connecticut, I vote in California and was previously President of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Organization for Women. My career in advertising/ marketing communications began in New York and has proven helpful to my efforts on behalf of DA.
I’m committed to the values of the Democratic Party and work hard to advance the goals of Democrats Abroad.
I cherish the friends I’ve made within Democrats Abroad and seek your support as both a representative of RURAL France and of the DISABLED community.
Email: [email protected]
Robert LEVITT (M)
My name is Robert Levitt (FL-23) and I'm running for DPCA Voting Representative to ensure tax issues remain a top priority for Democrats Abroad. In France since 2007, I joined DA Riviera in 2008, while I served as a major fundraiser for Bill Richardson's (D-NM) Presidential campaign. My career began in 1983 working for Jeff Bingaman (D-NM.) I presently serve as Deputy Chair of DA Taxation Task Force, speaking regularly with Congress, the IRS, Treasury, and banking associations concerning legislation to remedy the tax concerns of Americans Abroad. I conduct fundraising seminars on investment issues for DA, in France and globally. Locally, I will be the incoming Deputy Chair of the Riviera Chapter.
With a strong financial and analytical background, trained as a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and (MBA-finance), I founded Levitt Capital Management (1998), a SEC RIA based in Florida and now located and regulated in Nice, France, to help US persons living in France understand and navigate their options for growing and maintaining financial security. My French academic background includes attaining three degrees as well as completing my Ph.D. in Medieval History at the Université of Perpignan and teaching at the Université de Côte-D'Azur.
Ronny RUBIN (M)
I am a lifelong Democrat -- as a youth, I even marched with Jimmy Carter’s “Peanut Brigade” from Georgia. Had I stayed stateside, I’m pretty sure I’d have run for political office by now — that NOT having been the case however, I satiate such drive via a proactive involvement with Democrats Abroad! 🙃
A Baltimore/DC area native and CA voter, I previously lived in France for 18 years, before moving to Brazil, where I became Chair of DA Brazil 2021-2023, and piloted that country committee back to good organizational health. I benefited immensely from support across multiple regions, forged valuable relationships, and gained terrific insight into our organization. As a voting rep for France, I would bring this experience and perspective to the role — not everywhere is France — it shall all be put to work as we plough ahead to victory in ’24!
I am now retired from a career in the media/entertainment sector, and from my work with global NGO, Reporters Without Borders. I live in Nice and look forward to staying active “on the ground” as Chair of DAF Riviera.
I welcome your support. Please contact me if there are any questions regarding my candidacy.
Email: [email protected]
My name is Dori Schwartz-Laboune and I'm running for Voting Representative. I was the National Get Out the Vote Officer for France (2021-23), and am the recently elected Chair of DA Lyon. I come to Democrats Abroad as a progressive activist who is excited and driven by the need for change in mainstream Democratic Party politics. I am ready and willing to work to make those ideals reality. I come from Oregon and have lived in Lyon for 15 years. Back home I had worked for twenty years as a certified Spanish-English court interpreter. Here in France I work as a home health aide.
We're coming up on an exciting two-year period where we will be able to participate in the democratic primaries, and work towards making an impact in our presidential elections. What we do and how we conduct ourselves at the DPCA level matters to what we are able to achieve as local organizers. I look forward to working towards increasing engagement and membership and trying to surpass in 2024 what we achieved in 2020. I want to hear from you about your priorities. Together we can make a difference!
Email: [email protected]
Ada SHEN (F)
Salut! I am Ada Shen (she/her), and I ask for your vote to be DPCA Voting Representative for DA France. As Voting Rep, I will represent our institution, leaders, and members' interests to the Democrats Abroad global body, also known as the DPCA. Per the Global Charter, this is the "highest authority of Democrats Abroad." I have 16 years experience with Democrats Abroad -- first from China since 2007, then from France since 2017 -- and I believe that people should be able to organize for DA from wherever they are in the world. The job at global should be to give them the conditions to do that. I am informed and engaged on the issues, global teams (especially Voter Help), and governance of DA. I support innovations that are demonstrably impactful, will seek to limit excessive bureaucracy, and will seek to preserve our "bottom-up" character as a party. A well-running Global org profoundly impacts our ability to get out the vote, to improve the lives of Americans everywhere — we showed this in 2020, when DA delivered the margin of victory for Biden in AZ and GA. We must do it again in 2024. Questions or suggestions? Let me know! [email protected].
I'm Joe Smallhoover (he/him), and I ask for your vote for DPCA Voting Representative. I have been active in DA from France since 1985, and have served both DA France and the Global Executive Committee in various elected leadership roles, including Chair, Vice Chair, and Legal Counsel, and most recently as Counsel on the Global ExCom that delivered Biden the margin of victory in 2020 in 2 states. I helped draft the Help America Vote Act (2002) and also the MOVE Act (2010) making it easier for Americans to vote from abroad. I was a longtime member of the DA Taxation Task Force advocating for tax fairness for Americans abroad, and I am currently one of DA's members of the DNC (2020-2024), serving on the DNC Senior Council, Disability and LGBTQ Caucuses.
I wish to continue to offer my expertise and experience as a lifelong Democrat to the global body of Democrats Abroad. The growth spurred on by the extraordinary gains of 2018 / 2020 mean that we are accommodating more voices in leadership than ever — as we adapt, it is important to do so from a place of understanding of who we are, to achieve what we can be.
My name is Jeff Steiner and I'm running for DPCA voting representative. I joined DA France in 2015 and DA’s Global Taxation Task Force in 2022. I want to make Residency Based Taxation a reality. As part of my activism, I’m DA NationBuilder certified and help set up tax events on the website. These tax events have helped raise over $22,000 so far this year.
Because the American tax code is based on citizenship, not residency, Americans abroad have to double file and are liable for double taxation, both in the US and in France. We pay 3 times more on average vs Americans in the US for tax prep services to prove we owe no US tax and struggle to open bank accounts due to FATCA. Taxes are the second biggest reason people don’t vote in US elections. None of this is right and this discrimination of Americans abroad must stop. DA is well positioned to GOTV and pass RBT.
I have lived in France for over 20 years and previously in Nicaragua. I work for an NGO, have a son and have dual US/French citizenship. I would appreciate your support by voting for me on April 1st.
Email: [email protected]
Joseph VOELKER (M)
I am strongly progressive and enjoy a good political discussion and debate. But I also believe that we, Democrats, must work together constructively to take back control of government in the United States at local, state, and federal levels.
I trained as a lawyer and have been a managing editor reporting on legal developments in Washington. In recent years, I was Director of Marketing, Communications and Development for a UK-based educational institution.
As a life-long Democrat, I volunteered for the 1993 presidential campaign and for various state and local campaigns in Virginia.
Having previously been a member of DAUK, I joined DA France shortly after moving to Nice with my husband at the end of 2014. I have served on the DAF Riviera Chapter executive committee since 2015 as variously: member-at-large, treasurer, secretary, and chairperson. In addition I am involved with the LGBT+ Caucus. I have recently retired to Perpignan, which is in the Toulouse chapter.
Garland WALTON (F)
I’m Garland Walton (she/her); I live in Nice, where I have been active since 2016 and in Riviera leadership 2019-2023. I was DAF Deputy GOTV Officer in 2020, on the National Voter Help team in 2022, and on National Comms 2020 to present. I grew up in rural (conservative) IL, where I still vote, and where I got my start working as legislative and political staff for IL Senate Democrats: bill analysis, comms, political campaigns. For the last 24 years, I've been a nonprofit fundraising and marketing professional helping vulnerable children surviving significant trauma.
I believe our DA work makes a difference to folks abroad and back home and feel I have some traits that will make me an effective DPCA rep. I enjoy collaborating and can disagree respectfully while moving dialogue forward to get to effective solutions. I'm a creative problem solver who listens to everyone’s concerns and ideas. I take initiative: I'm currently working on ways our global GOTV efforts can improve.
If elected, my priorities will be to make voting easier and improve voter assistance tools for all volunteers. Let's also make DA more functional for chapter and caucus leaders and members.
Questions? Sure!: [email protected]
Active in DAF since moving to Paris in 1991, serving as a National Voting Representative both now and previously, as a committed trade unionist I bring a unique historical continuity and organizing experience to our work. A strong revitalized labor movement is indispensable to ensuring Democratic victories, defending democracy and achieving economic and social justice for workers and their families. I became active in my union while performing alternative service as a social worker, as a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War tragedy.
I mobilized voters with “France for Bernie,” and fought to win Medicare for All as part of Our Revolution France.
My electoral work ranges from registering voters, knocking on doors, GOTV and recruiting volunteers to coordinating and implementing electoral strategy for thousands of workers while heading a regional body of trade unions.
I was the AFL-CIO European Representative and the U.S. Worker Delegate to the International Labor Organization, negotiating with employers and governments. If re-elected, I’ll work hard to ensure that DAF fights for the needs and aspirations of the working class.
Contact me at [email protected] with questions/comments.