Mission Statement
Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. We strive to provide Americans abroad a Democratic voice in our government and elect Democratic candidates by mobilizing the overseas vote.
- Help Americans abroad vote in U.S. elections.
- Protect the right to vote for Americans abroad.
- Work with US government officials and elected representatives to advocate for issues that concern Americans abroad
- Work with the broader Democratic Party to achieve our goals.
- Build communities of like-minded Americans around the world.
- Help elect Democrats in every congressional district in the U.S.
- Advocate for legislation to expand and the voting rights of Americans Abroad
We're a 100% volunteer-run organization, with active chapters across six continents and members who vote in every U.S. state and congressional district.
In Your Local Community
We work hard and we have fun, too. Besides voter registration drives and advocacy work for Americans abroad, we also hold events such as 4th of July parties, Pride Parades, Memorial Day ceremonies and other regular activities.
Those looking to lead can run for elected Democrats Abroad positions or volunteer to organize new initiatives; there are countless opportunities out there!
Around the World
You can get involved no matter where you live through online programs that include webinars with left leaning leaders and grassroots organizers, weekly actions, virtual “marches”, and phonebanking to get out the vote among our members.
Democrats Abroad global caucuses -- including the Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, LGBT Caucus, Progressive Caucus, Women’s Caucus, and Youth Caucus -- offer a platform for members with shared identities to raise awareness and advocate for change.
Our role in turning US-based activities into worldwide movements -- such as the Women’s March, March for Science and March for Our Lives -- is a critical part of what we do, helping to raise awareness for Americans abroad and the issues we continue to fight for.
Every four years Democrats Abroad also holds a global primary to help decide the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, and we proudly cast our votes at the Democratic National Convention!
We work with peers and leaders in the states, striving to:
- Protect voting rights for Americans abroad, from the local to the federal level
- Fight unfair policies, including advocating for Residence Based Taxation and amending Medicare portability
- Encourage the Democratic Party to be transparent and representative of us all
For the purposes of conducting business, Democrats Abroad is a non-profit association organized and operating under the Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act of 2000, D.C. Code §§ 29-971.01 et seq. Democrats Abroad's principal place of business is the District of Columbia.
The DPCA: The governing body of Democrats Abroad is the Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA), which oversees Democrats Abroad's activities. To avoid confusion between local committees and the international body, we refer to our global body as the DPCA, but are known collectively as Democrats Abroad by the general public and media.
The DPCA is comprised of the Chair, Vice Chair, and Voting Representatives (if applicable) of each Country Committee, and the elected officers of the DPCA (Global Chair, Global Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Counsel, Regional Vice Chairs), as well as our six DNC members elected every four years during the Democrats Abroad Global Convention. Our DNC team includes both our six DNC members and our Global Chair and Vice Chair.